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This namespace provides the user API, that is, the set of public functions that one can use for writing flows.

This namespace provides the user API, that is, the set of public functions that one can use for writing flows.
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(defflow name & flows)
(defflow name parameters & flows)

Creates a flow and binds it a Var named by name

Creates a flow and binds it a Var named by name
sourceraw docstring


(flow description & flows)

Creates a flow which is a composite of flows.

Creates a flow which is a composite of flows.
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(fmap f flow)

Creates a flow that returns the application of f to the return of flow

Creates a flow that returns the application of f to the return of flow
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(for seq-exprs flow)

Like clojure.core/for, but returns a flow which wraps a sequence of flows e.g.

(flow "even? returns true for even numbers" (flow/for [x (filter even? (range 10))] (match? even? x)))

;; same as

(flow "even? returns true for even numbers" (match? even? 0) (match? even? 2) (match? even? 4) (match? even? 6) (match? even? 8))

Like clojure.core/for, but returns a flow which wraps a sequence of flows e.g.

  (flow "even? returns true for even numbers"
    (flow/for [x (filter even? (range 10))]
      (match? even? x)))

  ;; same as

(flow "even? returns true for even numbers"
  (match? even? 0)
  (match? even? 2)
  (match? even? 4)
  (match? even? 6)
  (match? even? 8)) 
sourceraw docstring


(get-state f & args)

Creates a flow that returns the result of applying f (default identity) to state with any additional args.

Creates a flow that returns the result of applying f (default identity)
to state with any additional args.
sourceraw docstring


(ignore-error pair)

No-op error handler that ignores the error.

No-op error handler that ignores the error.
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(invoke my-fn)

Creates a flow that invokes a function of no arguments and returns the result. Used to invoke side effects e.g.

(state-flow.core/invoke #(Thread/sleep 1000))

Creates a flow that invokes a function of no arguments and returns the
result. Used to invoke side effects e.g.

   (state-flow.core/invoke #(Thread/sleep 1000))
sourceraw docstring


(log-and-throw-error! pair)

DEPRECATED: Use (comp throw-error! log-error) instead.

DEPRECATED: Use (comp throw-error! log-error) instead. 
sourceraw docstring


(match? expected actual & [{:keys [times-to-try sleep-time] :as params}])

Builds a state-flow step which uses matcher-combinators to make an assertion.

expected can be a literal value or a matcher-combinators matcher actual can be a literal value, a primitive step, or a flow params are optional keyword-style args, supporting:

:times-to-try optional, default 1 :sleep-time optional, millis to wait between tries, default 200

Given (= times-to-try 1), match? will evaluate actual just once.

Given (> times-to-try 1), match? will use state-flow-probe/probe to retry up to :times-to-try times, waiting :sleep-time between each try, and stopping when actual produces a value that matches expected.

NOTE: when (> times-to-try 1), actual must be a step or a flow.

Returns a map (in the left value) with information about the success or failure of the match, the details of which are used internally by state-flow and subject to change.

Builds a state-flow step which uses matcher-combinators to make an

`expected` can be a literal value or a matcher-combinators matcher
`actual` can be a literal value, a primitive step, or a flow
`params` are optional keyword-style args, supporting:

  :times-to-try optional, default 1
  :sleep-time   optional, millis to wait between tries, default 200

Given (= times-to-try 1), match? will evaluate `actual` just once.

Given (> times-to-try 1), match? will use `state-flow-probe/probe` to
retry up to :times-to-try times, waiting :sleep-time between each try,
and stopping when `actual` produces a value that matches `expected`.

NOTE: when (> times-to-try 1), `actual` must be a step or a flow.

Returns a map (in the left value) with information about the success
or failure of the match, the details of which are used internally by
state-flow and subject to change.
sourceraw docstring


(return v)

Creates a flow that returns v. Use this as the last step in a flow that you want to reuse in other flows, in order to clarify the return value, e.g.

(def increment-count (flow "increments :count and returns it" (state/modify update :count inc) [new-count (state/gets :count)] (state-flow/return new-count)))

Creates a flow that returns v. Use this as the last
step in a flow that you want to reuse in other flows, in
order to clarify the return value, e.g.

  (def increment-count
    (flow "increments :count and returns it"
      (state/modify update :count inc)
      [new-count (state/gets :count)]
      (state-flow/return new-count)))
sourceraw docstring


(run flow)
(run flow initial-state)

Given an initial-state (default {}), runs a flow and returns a tuple of the result of the last step in the flow and the end state.

Given an initial-state (default {}), runs a flow and returns a tuple of
the result of the last step in the flow and the end state.
sourceraw docstring


(run* {:keys [init cleanup runner on-error fail-fast? before-flow-hook]
       :or {init (constantly {})
            cleanup identity
            runner run
            fail-fast? false
            before-flow-hook identity
            on-error (comp throw-error!

Runs a flow with specified parameters. Use run unless you need the customizations run* supports.

Supported keys in the first argument are:

:fail-fast? optional, default false, when set to true, the flow stops running after the first failing assertion :init optional, default (constantly {}), function of no arguments that returns the initial state :cleanup optional, default identity, function of the final state used to perform cleanup, if necessary :runner optional, default run, function of a flow and an initial state which will execute the flow :before-flow-hook optional, default identity, function from state to new-state that is applied before excuting a flow, after flow description is updated. :on-error optional, function of the final result pair to be invoked when the first value in the pair represents an error, default: (comp throw-error! log-error (filter-stack-trace default-stack-trace-exclusions))

Runs a flow with specified parameters. Use `run` unless you need
the customizations `run*` supports.

Supported keys in the first argument are:

  `:fail-fast?`       optional, default `false`, when set to `true`, the flow stops running after the first failing assertion
  `:init`             optional, default (constantly {}), function of no arguments that returns the initial state
  `:cleanup`          optional, default `identity`, function of the final state used to perform cleanup, if necessary
  `:runner`           optional, default `run`, function of a flow and an initial state which will execute the flow
  `:before-flow-hook` optional, default `identity`, function from state to new-state that is applied before excuting a flow, after flow description is updated.
  `:on-error`         optional, function of the final result pair to be invoked when the first value in the pair represents an error, default:
                      `(comp throw-error!
                            (filter-stack-trace default-stack-trace-exclusions))`
sourceraw docstring


(swap-state f & args)

Creates a flow that replaces state with the result of applying f to state with any additional args.

Creates a flow that replaces state with the result of applying f to
state with any additional args.
sourceraw docstring


(when e flow)

Given an expression e and a flow, if the expression is logical true, return the flow. Otherwise, return nil in a monadic context.

Given an expression `e` and a flow, if the expression is logical true, return the flow. Otherwise, return nil in a monadic context.
sourceraw docstring

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