StateFlow is a testing framework designed to support the composition and reuse of individual test steps.
A flow is a sequence of steps or bindings to be executed with some state as a
reference. Use the flow
macro to define a flow:
(flow <description> <step/bindings>*)
Once defined, you can run it with (state-flow.api/run* <options> (flow ...))
You can think flows and the steps within them as functions of the state, e.g.
(fn [<state>] [<return-value>, <possibly-updated-state>])
Each step is executed in sequence, passing the state to the next step. The return value from running the flow is the return value of the last step that was run.
Primitive steps are the fundamental building blocks of flows.
(state-flow.api/get-state f)
(state-flow.api/swap-state f)
(state-flow.api/fmap xform <step-or-flow>)
(state-flow.api/return v)
(state-flow.api/invoke no-arg-fn)
Bindings bind return values of steps to symbols you can use in other steps.
[(<symbol> <step>)+]
They are like let
bindings but the symbol on the left binds to the return value of the step on the right.
[<symbol> <step-or-flow>]
You can also bind directly to values using the :let
[:let [<symbol> <non-step expression>]]
You can bind any number of symbols in a single binding vector, e.g.
[a step-1
b step-2
:let [c expression-1]
d step-3]
If you are using StateFlow for integration testing, the initial state is usually a representation of your service components, a system using Stuart Sierra's Component library or other similar facility. You can also run the same flow with different initial states, e.g.
(def a-flow (flow ...))
(defn build-initial-state [] { ... })
(state-flow.api/run* {:init build-initial-state} flow)
(state-flow.api/run* {:init (constantly {:service-system (atom nil))} flow)
Flows follow the Composite Pattern: a single flow has the same interface as a collection of flows.
You can compose flows by nesting them in other flows:
(flow "do many things"
(flow "do one thing" ,,,)
(flow "do another thing" ,,,))
Use state-flow.api/for
when you have a flow that you'd like to apply
to different inputs with the same outcome, e.g.
(flow "even? returns true for even numbers"
(flow/for [x (filter even? (range 10))]
(match? even? x)))
By default, a flow continues to be evaluated even if an assertion fails. The :fail-fast?
option to state-flow.api/run*
can be used if you would like to stop evaluation after the first assertion failure.
(state-flow.api/run* {:fail-fast? true}
(flow "evaluation stops after `failing-flow-b`"
Suppose our system state is made out of a map with {:value <value>}
. We can make a flow that just
fetches the value bound to :value
(require '[state-flow.api :as flow :refer [flow]])
(def get-value (flow "get-value" (flow/get-state :value)))
(flow/run* {:init (constantly {:value 4})} get-value)
; => [4 {:value 4}]
Primitive steps have the same underlying structure as flows and can be passed directly to run*
(def get-value (flow/get-state :value))
(flow/run* {:init (constantly {:value 4})} get-value)
; => [4 {:value 4}]
We can use state-flow.api/swap-state
to modify the state. Here's a primitive that increments the value:
(def inc-value (flow/swap-state update :value inc))
(flow/run* {:init (constantly {:value 4})} inc-value)
; => [{:value 4} {:value 5}]
Bindings enable us to compose simple flows into more complex flows. If, instead of returning the value, we wanted to return the value multiplied by two, we could do it like this:
(def double-value
(flow "get double value"
[value get-value]
(flow/return (* value 2))))
(flow/run* {:init (constantly {:value 4})} double-value)
; => [8 {:value 4}]
Or we could increment the value first and then return it doubled:
(def inc-and-double-value
(flow "increment and double value"
[value get-value]
(flow/return (* value 2))))
(flow/run* {:init (constantly {:value 4})} inc-and-double-value)
; => [10 {:value 5}]
We use the defflow
and match?
macros to build clojure.test
out of flows.
defines a test (using deftest
) that
will execute the flow with the parameters that we set.
produces a flow that will make an assertion, which
will be reported via clojure.test when used within a defflow
. It
uses the
library for the actual check and failure messages. match?
asks for:
will wrap it in (state-flow.api/return <value>)
(default 1):sleep-time
(default 200)Here are some very simple examples of tests defined using defflow
(defflow my-flow
(match? 1 1)
(match? {:a 1} {:a 1 :b 2}))
Wrap them in flow
s to get descriptions when the expected and actual
values need some explanation:
(deftest fruits-and-veggies
(flow "surprise! Tomatoes are fruits!"
(match? #{:tomato} (fruits #{:tomato :potato}))))
Or with custom parameters:
(defflow my-flow {:init aux.init! :runner (comp run* s/with-fn-validation)}
(match? 1 1))
(defflow my-flow {:init (constantly {:value 1
:map {:a 1 :b 2}})}
[value (flow/get-state :value)]
(match? 1 value)
(flow "uses matcher-combinator embeds"
(match? {:b 2} (flow/get-state :map)))
and :sleep-time
By default, match?
will evaluate actual
only once. For tests with
asynchrony/concurrency concerns, you can direct match?
to try up to
times, waiting :sleep-time
between each try. It will
keep trying until it produces a value that matches the expected
expression, up to :times-to-try
(defflow add-data
(flow "try up to 5 times with 250 ms between each try (total 1000ms)"
(match? expected-data-in-database
{:times-to-try 5
:sleep-time 250})))
We introduced state-flow.api/match?
in state-flow-2.2.4, and
deprecated state-flow.cljtest/match?
in that release. The signature
for the old version was (match? <description> <actual> <expected>)
We removed the description because it was quite common for the description
to add no context that wasn't already made clear by the expected and
actual values.
We also reversed the order of expected and actual in order to align
with the match?
function in the matcher-combinators library and with
clojure.test's (is (= expected actual))
We also added a script to help refactor this for you. Here's how you use it:
# if you don't already have the state-flow repo cloned
git clone
;; or
git clone
;; then
cd state-flow
# if you already have the state-flow repo cloned
cd state-flow
git co master
git pull
# the rest is the same either way
lein pom # needed for tools.deps to recognize this repo as a `:local/root` dependency
./bin/ --help
;; now follow the instructions
Note that if you have a defflow
defined in a different namespace, and it depends on state-flow.api/defflow
, you may need to require it in that namespace.
We use verify
to write midje tests with StateFlow. verify
is a function that of three arguments: a description, a value or step, and another value or midje checker. It
produces a step that, when executed, verifies that the second argument matches the third argument. It replicates the functionality of a fact
from midje.
In fact, if a simple value is passed as second argument, what it does is simply call fact
internally when the flow is executed.
returns a step that will make the check and return something. If the second argument is a value, it will return this argument. If the second argument is itself a step, it will return the last return value of the step that was passed. This makes it possible to use the result of verify on a later part of the flow execution if that is desired.
Say we have a step for making a POST request that stores data in datomic (store-data-request
and we also have a step that fetches this data from db (fetch-data
). We want to check that after we make the POST, the data is persisted:
[state-flow.api :refer [flow]]
[state-flow.midje :refer [verify]])
(defn stores-data-in-db
(flow "save data"
(store-data-request data)
[saved-data (fetch-data)]
(verify "data is stored in db"
Test helpers specific to your domain can make state-flow tests more
readable and intention-revealing. When writing them, we recommend that
you start with state-flow functions in the state-flow.api
If, for example, you're testing a webapp, you might want a request
helper like this:
(defflow users
(flow "fetch registered users"
(http-helpers/request {:method :post
:uri "/users"
:body {:user/first-name "David"}})
[users (http-helpers/request {:method :get
:uri "/users"})]
(match? ["David"]
(map :user/first-name users)))
Presuming that you have an :http-component
key in the initial state,
the http-helpers/request
helper could be implemented something like this:
(ns http-helpers
(:require [my-app.http :as http]
[state-flow.api :as flow :refer [flow]]))
(defn request [req]
(flow "make request"
[http (flow/get-state :http-component)]
(flow/return (http/request http req)))
This produces a step that can be used in a flow, as above.
is built on the funcool.cats
library, which supports
monads in Clojure. state-flow
exposes some, but not all, cats
functions as its own API. As mentioned above, we recommend that you
stick with state-flow
functions as much as possible, however, if the
available functions do not suit your need for a helper, you can always
drop down to functions directly in the cats
Add "defflow"
to the list defined by cider-test-defining-forms
enable commands like cider-test-run-test
for flows defined with defflow
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David Chelimsky, Phillip Mates, ericvm, Diego Murillo, Michel Henrique Dib Jorge, Karina Moreira & Eric VeltenEdit on GitHub
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