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Workspaces is a component development environment for ClojureScript, inspired by devcards.


First add the workspaces dependency on your project.

Clojars Project

This is recommended template for the HTML file for the workspaces:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="app"></div>
    <!-- you might need to change the js path depending on your configuration -->
    <script src="/js/workspaces/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

Then create the entry point for the workspaces:

(ns my-app.workspaces.main
  (:require [nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]
            ; require your cards namespaces here

(defonce init (ws/mount))

With Shadow-CLJS

;; shadow-cljs configuration
{:builds {:workspaces {:target           :browser
                       :output-dir       "resources/public/js/workspaces"
                       :asset-path       "/js/workspaces"
                       :devtools         {:before-load        nubank.workspaces.core/before-load
                                          :after-load         nubank.workspaces.core/after-load
                                          :http-root          "resources/public"
                                          :http-port          3689
                                          :http-resource-root "."}
                       :modules          {:main {:entries [my-app.workspaces.main]}}}}}

Now run with:

npx shadow-cljs watch workspaces

With Figwheel

For some reason on my tests I couldn't make Figwheel :on-jsload hook to work with library code, to go around this modify the main to look like this:

(ns my-app.workspaces.main
  (:require [nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]
            ; require your cards namespaces here

(defn on-js-load [] (ws/after-load))

(defonce init (ws/mount))

So you can call the hook forom there, as:

:cljsbuild {:builds
              [{:id           "dev"
                :source-paths ["src"]

                :figwheel     {:on-jsload "myapp.workspaces.main/on-js-reload"}

                :compiler     {:main                 myapp.workspaces.main
                               :asset-path           "js/workspaces/out"
                               :output-to            "resources/public/js/workspaces/main.js"
                               :output-dir           "resources/public/js/workspaces/out"
                               :source-map-timestamp true
                               :preloads             [devtools.preload]}}]}

Now run with:

lein figwheel

Creating cards

To define cards you use the ws/defcard macro, here is an example to create a React card:

  (:require [nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]
            [nubank.workspaces.card-types.react :as ct.react]))

; simple function to create react elemnents
(defn element [name props & children]
  (apply js/React.createElement name (clj->js props) children))

(ws/defcard hello-card
    (element "div" {} "Hello World")))

You can use this to mount any React component, for a re-frame for example, you can use (reagent/as-element [re-frame-root]) as the content.

Stateful React cards

Usually libraries like Fulcro or Re-frame will manage the state and trigger render in the proper times, but if you wanna do something with raw React, you can provide an atom to be the app state, and the card will watch that atom and triggers a root render everytime it changes.

(ws/defcard counter-example-card
  (let [counter (atom 0)]
      (element "div" {}
        (str "Count: " @counter)
        (element "button" {:onClick #(swap! counter inc)} "+")))))

Fulcro cards

Workspaces is built with Fulcro and has some extra support for it. Using the fulcro-card you can easely mount a Fulcro component with the entire app, here is an example:

(ns myapp.workspaces.fulcro-demo-cards
  (:require [fulcro.client.primitives :as fp]
            [fulcro.client.localized-dom :as dom]
            [nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]
            [nubank.workspaces.card-types.fulcro :as ct.fulcro]
            [nubank.workspaces.lib.fulcro-portal :as f.portal]
            [fulcro.client.mutations :as fm]))

(fp/defsc FulcroDemo
  [this {:keys [counter]}]
  {:initial-state (fn [_] {:counter 0})
   :ident         (fn [] [::id "singleton"])
   :query         [:counter]}
    (str "Fulcro counter demo [" counter "]")
    (dom/button {:onClick #(fm/set-value! this :counter (inc counter))} "+")))

(ws/defcard fulcro-demo-card
    {::f.portal/root FulcroDemo}))

By default the Fulcro card will wrap your component will a thin root, by having always having components with idents you can leverage generic mutations, this is recommended over making a special Root. But if you want to send your own root, you can set the ::f.porta/wrap-root? false. Here are more options available:

  • ::f.portal/wrap-root? (default: true) Wraps component into a light root
  • ::f.portal/app (default: {}) This is the app configuration, same options you could send to fulcro/new-fulcro-client
  • ::f.portal/initial-state (default {}) Accepts a value or a function. A value will be used to call the initial state function of your root. If you provide a function, the value returned by it will be the initial state.

When you use a Fulcro card you will notice it has an extra toolbar, in this toolbar you have two action buttons:

  • Inspect: this is an integration with Fulcro Inspect, if you have the extension active on Chrome, it will select the application of the card for inspection.
  • Restart: this will do a full refresh on app, unmount and mount again

Test cards

Workspaces has default integration with cljs.test, but you have to start the tests using ws/deftest instead of cljs.test/deftest. The ws/deftest will also emit a cljs.test/deftest call, so you can use the same for running on CI. Example test card:

(ws/deftest sample-test
  (is (= 1 1)))

Namespace test cards

When you create test cards using ws/deftest, a card will be automatically created to run on the test on that namespace, just click on the test namespace name on the index to load the card.

Card settings

Card size

You can define settings for your card, like what initial size it should have, to do that you can add maps to the card definition:

(ns myapp.workspaces.configurated-cards
  (:require [nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]
            [nubank.workspaces.model :as wsm]))

(ws/defcard sized-card
  {::wsm/card-width 5
   ::wsm/card-height 7}
    (dom/div "Foo")))

The measuremnt is in grid tiles. A recommended way to define a card size is to add it in default size to workspace, resize it to the appropriated size, then use the Size button accessible from the more icon in the card header, the card current size will be logged to the browser console.

Card content alignment

For the built-in cards you can also determine how the element will be positioned in the card. So far we have been using the center card position but depending on the kind of component you are trying that might not be the best option.

(ws/defcard positioned-top
  {::wsm/card-width  5
   ::wsm/card-height 7
   ::wsm/align       {:flex 1}}
    (dom/div "Foo on top")))

The card container is a flex element, so the previous example will put the card on top and make it occupy the full width of the container.

The default ::wsm/align is:

{:display         "flex"
 :align-items     "center"
 :justify-content "center"}

Container node props

Using the key ::wsm/node-props you can set the style or other properties of the container node.

(ws/defcard styles-card
  {::wsm/node-props {:style {:background "red" :color "white"}}}
    (dom/div "I'm in red")))

Setting templates

You will probably find some combinations of card settings you keep repeating, it's totally ok to put those in variables and re-use. You can also send as many configuration maps as you want, in fact the return of (ct.react/react-card) is also a map, they all just get merged and stored as the card definition.

(def purple-card {::wsm/node-props {:style {:background "#79649a"}}})
(def align-top {::wsm/align {:flex 1}})

(ws/defcard widget-card
  {::wsm/card-width 3 ::wsm/card-height 7}
    (dom/div "💜")))

Using Workspaces

Now that we know how to define cards, it's time to learn how to work with then.

Imagine when you are about to start working on some components of your project, you can start by looking at the index or searching using the spotlight feature (alt+shift+a).

By clicking on the card names you will add then to the current workspace (one will be created if you don't have any open).

The idea here is that you add just the cards there are relevant to the work you need to do, and create a workspace that can make the best use of your screen pixels.

And workspaces comes on tabs, enabling you to quickly switch between different workspace settings.

The following topics will describe what you can do to help you manage your workspaces.

Creating workspaces

You can create new workspaces by clicking at the + tab on the interface. The workspaces are created and stored in your browser local storage. You can rename the workspace by clicking on its tab while it's active.

Responsive grid

Your cards are placed in a responsive grid, this means that the number of columns you have available will vary according to your page width size. In the right below the workspace tabs you can see how many columns you have available right now (eg: c8 means 8 columns).

Each responsive breakpoint will have stored separated, so you can arange a workspace to fit that available width. The sizes and positions will be recorded separated by each column numbers (they vary from 2 to 20).

Each column size has 120~140px, varies depending on page width.

Workspace actions

When you have an open workspace, there is a toolbar with some action buttons, here is a description of what each does:

  • Copy layout: actually a select here, use this to copy the layout from a different responsive breakpoint
  • Refresh cards: triggers a refresh on every card on this active workspace
  • Duplicate: creates a copy of current workspace
  • Unify layouts: makes every breakpoint have the same layout as the current active one
  • Export: Export current workspace layouts to data (logged into browser console)
  • Delete: Delete current workspace

Sharing workspaces

A lot of times your workspaces will be disposable, just pull a few components, work and throw away. But other times you like to create more durable ones, like a kitchen sink of all your components buildings blocks, or maybe a setup that works nice for a specific task. You a lot of effort to make it look good on many different responsive breakpoints. So would be a pain if every user of the system had to redo the task to organize those types of workspaces.

To solve that, you can use the Export button on the workspace toolbar. It outputs the workspace layout as a transit data on the console. You can copy that, and use to store that workspace setup on the code, making it available to any other person using this workspace setup.

(ws/defworkspace ui-block
  "[\"^ \",\"c10\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"~$fulcro.incubator.workspaces.ui.reakit-ws/reakit-base\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"minH\",2]],\"c8\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c16\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c14\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c2\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c12\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c4\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c18\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c20\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]],\"c6\",[[\"^ \",\"i\",\"^0\",\"w\",2,\"h\",4,\"x\",0,\"y\",0,\"^1\",2]]]"))

When you open a shared workspace, you can't change it, it's static, but you can duplicate it and change the copy as you please.

Keyboard shortcuts

Here is a list of available shortcuts, all of then use alt+shift followed by a key:

  • alt+shift+a: Add card to current workspace (open spotlight for card picking)
  • alt+shift+i: Toggle index view
  • alt+shift+h: Toggle card headers
  • alt+shift+n: Create new local workspace
  • alt+shift+w: Close current workspace

Developing custom card types [TODO]

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