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A Server Sent Events (SSE) client for Clojurescript based on js/fetch

Clojars Project

This library uses js/fetch to expose the full functionality of HTTP and processes the SSE data for you.

It's ready for use as a standalone functional Clojurescript library and also has re-frame bindings for integration into a re-frame application.


js/EventSource is generally moribund and does not support sending headers. Discussions generally reference js/fetch as a modern alternative but it does not natively process streams.



You can start a new connection using sse-client, which returns a map containing a no-arg abort function under the :abort key.

(require '[oxbow.core :as o])

(let [{:keys [abort]} (o/sse-client {:uri "/events"
                                     :on-event #(js/console.log "Got an event!" %)})]

  ;; events are passed to the callback
  ;; call abort to close the client

  (:abort client))


The re-frame bindings behave the same way, with the addition of :id which gives you a handle to abort with.

(require '[ :as o])
(require '[re-frame.core :as rf])

  (fn [db [_ {:keys [data] :as event}]]
    (update db :events conj data)))

(rf/dispatch [::o/sse-client {:id ::my-events
                              :url "/events"
                              :on-event [::on-event]}])

;; events are passed to the callback
;; call abort to close the client

(rf/dispatch [::o/abort ::my-events])


{:on-event      #(js/console.log "Message received: " %) ;; invoked for every event
 :on-close      #(js/console.log "Stream ended")         ;; invoked when the stream ends
 :on-error      #(js/console.warn "Error: " %)           ;; invoked on error
 :data-parser   identity                                 ;; parses the `data` value of the event
 :fetch-options {:headers {"Authorization" "xyz"}}       ;; options passed to js/fetch, see


cider-jack-in-cljs and open the test page http://localhost:9500/figwheel-extra-main/auto-testing




Copyright © 2020 oliyh

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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