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NaturalLexicon logo ont-app/igraph-jena

This is a port of the Jena APIs to the IGraph protocol.

Part of the ont-app library, dedicated to Ontology-driven development.


Available at Clojars Project.

Require thus:

(ns my-ns
    [ont-app.igraph-jena.core :as jgraph])
    ;; any Jena-specific stuff

Creating a graph:

Create the graph thus:

With no arguments (returns a Jena default model):

> (def g (jgraph/make-jena-graph))
> (type (:model g))

We can specify a file

> (def g (jgraph/make-jena-graph (RDFDataMgr/loadModel "resources/test-data.ttl"))

Or equivalently use the read-rdf function:

> (def g (jgraph/read-rdf "resources/test-data.ttl"))

If we have an existing Jena Model, we can define an IGraph wrapper around it:

> (def g (jgraph/make-jena-graph <existing-jena-model>))

... or if we have a Jena DataSet and the name of a graph (nil for default graph):

> (def g (jgraph/make-jena-graph <existing-dataset> <graph-name-or-nil>))

Member access and manipulation

Then apply the standard methods for IGraph member access, with mutable member manipulation operations add! and subtract!.

For example:

> (g :eg/Thing2)
{:eg/number #{2},
 :rdfs/label #{#lstr "Thing 2@en"},
 :rdf/type #{:eg/Thing}}
> (g :eg/Thing2 :eg/number)
> (g :eg/Thing2 :eg/number 2)
> (add! g [[:eg/Thing3 :rdf/type :eg/Thing]
           [:eg/Thing3 :rdfs/label #lstr"Thing3@en"]
           [:eg/Thing3 :rdf/number 3]])

Set the IGraph docs for more details.

Serializing output

> (write-rdf g "/tmp/testing.ttl" "turtle")

See also


Copyright © 2020-21 Eric D. Scott

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

Natural Lexicon logo

Natural Lexicon logo - Copyright © 2020 Eric D. Scott. Artwork by Athena M. Scott.

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Under the terms of this license, if you display this logo or derivates thereof, you must include an attribution to the original source, with a link to, or

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