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IGraph defines a protocol which aims to capture some generality amongst a plurality of graph-based representations (RDF, datascript, datomic....)

There is also a type Graph defined which implements IGraph.


This is deployed to clojars:

Clojars Project



The IGraph protocol specifies the following functions:

member access

  • (normal-form g) -> {s {p #{o...}...}...}
  • (subjects g) -> (s ...), a collection of subjects
  • (get-p-o g s) -> {p #{o...} ...}
  • (get-o g s p) -> #{o ...}
  • (ask g s p o) -> truthy
  • (query g q) -> collection of {var value ...} maps

membership changes

  • (read-only? g) -> true if changing membership throws an exception
  • (add g to-add) -> new graph with to-add present
  • (subtract g to-subtract) -> new graph with to-subtract absent

Also invoke to support IFn as follows

  • (g) = (normal-form g)
  • (g s) = (get-p-o g s)
  • (g s p) = (get-o g s p)
  • (g s p o) = (ask g s p o)

The source file has fairly explicit docstrings.


It may make sense for some implementations of IGraph also to implment the basic set operations, defined in ISet:

  • (union g1 12) -> A new graph with all triples from both graphs
  • (difference g1 g2) -> A new graph with triples in g1 not also in g2
  • (intersection g1 g2) -> A new graph with only triples shared in both graphs


The Graph type is a very lightweight implementation of IGraph. The aim here, aside from demonstrating IGraph, is to add just one layer of expressiveness over the map construct.

To create:

#object[igraph.graph.Graph 0x67e46c69 "igraph.graph.Graph@67e46c69"]

One adds to it like this (returns a new immutable object):

(add my-graph
  [[:john :isa :person]
   [:john :likes :meat]
   [:john :name {:value "John" :lang "en"}]
    :isa :person
    :likes :coke
    :name {:value "Mary" :lang "en"}
   [:likes :isa :property]
   [:isa :isa :property]
   [:meat :isa :food]
   [:coke :isa :drink]
#object[igraph.graph.Graph 0x58b96f62 "igraph.graph.Graph@58b96f62"]

The subjects function will give you the subjects:

(subjects my-graph)
(:john :mary :likes :isa :meat :coke)

Invoked without arguments gives you normal form:

 {:isa #{:person},
  :likes #{:meat},
  :name #{{:value "John", :lang "en"}}},
 {:isa #{:person},
  :likes #{:coke},
  :name #{{:value "Mary", :lang "en"}}},
 :likes {:isa #{:property}},
 :isa {:isa #{:property}},
 :meat {:isa #{:food}},
 :coke {:isa #{:drink}}}

Invoked with a subject gives you its predicate-object map:

(my-graph :john)
{:isa #{:person}, 
 :likes #{:meat}, 
 :name #{{:value "John", :lang "en"}}}

Invoked with a subject and predicate gives you the set of objects:

(my-graph :john :likes)

If you're sure there's only going to be one object you can use the unique function:

(unique (my-graph :john :likes))

(unique #{:just-me :no-theres-me-too!})
Exception Non-unique: #{:no-theres-me-too! :just-me}

Invoked with subject, predicate and object gives you the object (if its there):

(my-graph :john :likes :meat)

Querying is done with a very simple graph pattern using keywords starting with ?:

(query my-graph
    [[:?liker :likes :?likee]
     [:?likee :isa :?type]])
#{{:?type :drink, :?likee :coke, :?liker :mary}
  {:?type :food, :?likee :meat, :?liker :john}}

One subtracts from it like this (also returns new immutable object):

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
;; -> 
;; {:g {:h #{:i}}}

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
    [:a :b]))
;; ->
;; {:a {:d #{:e}}, :g {:h #{:i}}}

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
    [:a :b :c]))
;; ->
;; {:a {:d #{:e}}, :g {:h #{:i}}}

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
    [[:a :b][:g :h :i]]))
;; ->
;; {:a {:d #{:e}}}

Graph also implements the ISet functions union, difference and intersection.

See also the test file.


Probably lots. This is brand-spankin' new.


Copyright © 2018 Eric D. Scott

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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