IGraph defines a protocol which aims to provide a general interface to a variety of graph-based representations (RDF, datascript, datomic, loom, ...)
It also defines a Graph
datatype which implements IGraph
This is deployed to clojars:
[ont-app/igraph "0.1.6"]
Require thus:
[ont-app.igraph.core :as igraph] ;; for the IGraph protocol and related stuff
[some.igraph.implementation ...] ;; implements IGraph
One of the defining characteristics of Clojure is that it revolves around a minimal set of basic data structures.
I think it can be argued that the collection primitives in Clojure can be approximately ordered by their degree of expressiveness:
The conceit of IGraph is that there is room for a new collection primitive with one higher level of expressiveness:
This is informed to a large degree by the RDF model, and aims to align with linked data encoded in RDF, while keeping direct dependencies to a minimum.
This protocol defines the basic operations over a graph conceived of
as a set of triples S-P-O, where subject S
and object O
name entities, and property P
is a named relation that applies
between those entities.
This is directly inspired by the RDF model, but the requirement that these identifiers adhere strictly to RDF specifications for URIs, and that literal values be restricted to a small set of scalars is relaxed quite a bit.
The IGraph
protocol specifies the following methods:
(normal-form g)
-> {s {p #{o...}...}...}
(subjects g)
-> (s ...)
, a lazy sequence(get-p-o g s)
-> {p #{o...} ...}
(get-o g s p)
-> #{o ...}
(ask g s p o)
-> truthy(query g q)
-> implementation-dependent query results(mutability g)
-> One of #{::read-only ::immutable ::mutable :accumulate-only}
to support IFn
= (normal-form g)
(g s)
-> {p #{o...} ...}(g s p)
-> #{o ...}(g s p o)
-> truthyAny implemetation of this protocol, regardless of its native
representation must be expressable in IGraph's Normal Form
As an example, let's start with a graph called 'eg' with four triples:
> (igraph/normal-form eg)
{:isa #{:person},
:likes #{:beef}},
{:isa #{:person},
:likes #{:chicken}}}
These are facts about two subjects, :john and :mary with two facts each.
John is a person who likes meat.
Mary is also a person, and likes chicken.
The normal form has three tiers. The "s-level" is a map from each
subject to a "p-level" description
of that subject. The normal form
for descriptions is a map from a property identifier to an "o-level"
set of objects for said subject and property.
What I'm aiming for here is a form that's
To keep things simple and readable, none of the keywords used in these examples are namespaced.
In practice you will probably want to used namespaced keywords, and some implementations of IGraph, e.g. those that interact directly with RDF-based representations, will expect them.
It is expected that while many implementations of IGraph will be
in-memory data structures of modest size, others might be huge
knowledge bases provided on a server somewhere
(Wikidata, for example). In the
latter case it is always acceptable throw an ::igraph/Intractable
for any method that warrants it:
(throw (ex-info "Normal form for Wikidata is intractable"
{:type ::igraph/Intractable}))
The subjects
method must return a lazy sequence of complete set of
subjects in the graph (modulo tractability):
> (igraph/subjects eg)
`(:john :mary)
> (type (igraph/subjects eg))
We must be able to get the p-level description of any subject with
> (igraph/get-p-o eg :john)
{:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}}
We must be able to get the o-level set of objects for any subject and
predicate with get-o
> (igraph/get-o eg :john :isa)
We must be able to test for whether any particular triple is in the
graph with ask
(any truthy response will do).
> (igraph/ask eg :john :likes :beef)
> (igraph/ask eg :john :likes :chicken)
We must be able to query the graph using a format appropriate to the
native representation. This example uses the format expected by
, described below:
> (igraph/query eg [[:?person :isa :person]])
#{{:?person :mary} {:?person :john}}
In this case, the result is a set of binding maps
, mapping
:?variables to values, similar to the result set of a SPARQL query.
For comparison, here is a sketch of an equivalent SPARQL query, which
would be appropriate if our IGraph protocol was targeted to a SPARQL
endpoint which we might call sparql-eg
> (query sparql-eg
"PREFIX : <http://path/to/my/ns#>
?person :isa :person
[{:person :mary} {:person :john}]
for arities 0-3An instance of IGraph must provide invoke
implementations as
Without arguments, it must return Normal Form (or throw an ::igraph/Intractable):
> (eg)
{:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}}}
With a single "S" argument, it must treat the argument as the subject of get-p-o:
> (eg :john)
{:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
With two arguments "S" and "P", a set of objects must be returned:
> (eg :mary :likes)
This will often be the value of get-o
, but it may also accept as the
"p" argument a traversal function, described
With three arguments "S" "P" and "O", the response must be truthy:
> (eg :mary :likes :chicken)
> (eg :mary :likes :beef)
This will often be equivalent to ask
, but again, the "P" argument
can be a traversal function, described below.
There a various factors to take into account when adding or removing content from a graph.
Some graphs, (such as a public SPARQL endpoint to which one does not have UPDATE permissions) may not be subject to modification. Other native representations (such as a SPARQL endpoint with UPDATE permissions) might best be treated as mutable graphs.
Naturally, other things being equal, the preferred solution is to use immutable graphs when it is possible to do so. The examples in this README will all be applied to immutable graphs.
The mutability
method returns one of the following values
- there is no means for altering the contents of
the graph::igraph/immutable
- the graph implements
- the graph implements
multimethodIGraph defines a multimethod add-to-graph
, dispatched on the type of
graph, and a function triples-format
. This multimethod can inform
both mutable and immutable graphs.
Naturally Normal Form is one possible format:
> (igraph/triples-format {:john {:likes# #{:beef}}})
Another possible value is :vector
, with a subject and an odd number
of P-O specifications:
> (igraph/triples-format [:john :likes :beef])
> (igraph/triples-format [:john :isa :person :likes :beef])
Finally, we have :vector-of-vectors
> (igraph/triples-format [[:john :isa :person] [:mary :isa :person]])
Any implementation of IGraph should support adding to the graph in all of these formats.
multimethodIGraph also defines multimethod remove-from-graph
, dispatched on the
graph types and a function triples-removal-format
. This multimethod
can inform both mutable and immutable graphs.
The triples-removal-format
function returns the same keywords as
, but adds one more: :underspecified-triple
, a
vector with fewer than 3 elements:
> (igraph/triples-removal-format [:john])
> (igraph/triples-removal-format [:john :likes])
assigns the :vector-of-vectors flag a vector
of either :vector or :underspecified-vector. All implementations of
IGraph should support each of these flags.
This allows us to subtract any format that could also be added, plus
all [s * *]
or all [s p *]
An add or subtract operation to an immutable graph returns a cheap copy of the original graph modified per the argument provided.
Calling (add g to-add)
must return an immutable graph such that the
graph now contains to-add
. Any triples in to-add
which are already
in the graph are allowed, but implementations should not duplicate
identical triples in the graph.
See the notes above about the add-to-graph multimethod.
Typically adding to a graph in code is most easily expressed using a vector or a vector of vectors:
> (igraph/normal-form
[[:chicken :subclass-of :meat]
[:beef :subclass-of :meat]
{:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}},
:chicken {:subclass-of #{:meat}},
:beef {:subclass-of #{:meat}}}
We can add use Normal Form of one graph to add it to another.
> (meats)
{:chicken {:subClass-of #{meat}}
:beef {:subClass-of #{meat}}}
> (igraph/normal-form (add eg (meats)))
{:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}},
:chicken {:subclass-of #{:beef}},
:beef {:subclass-of #{:beef}}}
The multimethod remove-from-graph
supports the subtract
dispatched on the type of the graph and triples-removal-format
described above:
> (igraph/normal-form (igraph/subtract eg [:john]))
{:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}}}
> (igraph/normal-form (igraph/subtract eg [:john :likes]))
{:john {:isa #{:person}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}}}
Some graphs' native representations are implemented as mutable
repositories. To support this, the IGraphMutable protocol provides
methods add!
and subtract!
The add-to-graph and remove-from-graph multimethods should still inform the logic here, and the behavior should be essentially the same, with the exception that the graph returned is the same mutated object as was passed in to either of these methods.
(add! g to-add)
-> g, where g is both the argument and return value.
An error should be thrown if (mutablility g)
!= :igraph/mutable.
(subtract! g to-subtract)
-> g, where g is both the argument and
return value.
An error should be thrown if (mutablility g)
!= :igraph/mutable.
A graph whose native representation is based on
Datomic exects what Datomic calls an
"Accumulate-only" approach to adding and removing from a graph. To
support this, the IGraphAccumulateOnly protocol provides methods
(corresponding to the datomic 'add' operation), and
. In this scheme the state of the graph can be rolled back to
any point in its history. See the Datomic documentation for details.
The add-to-graph and remove-from-graph multimethods should still inform the logic here, and the behavior should be essentially the same, with the exception that the graph returned now points to the most recent state of the graph after making the modification. Any given instantiation of the graph will remain immutable.
(claim g to-add)
-> g', where g is an append-only graph, and
g' now points to the most recent state of g's
An error should be thrown if (mutablility g)
!= :igraph/accumulate-only.
(retract g to-retract)
-> g', where g is an append-only graph, and
g' now points to the most recent state of g's
An error should be thrown if (mutablility g)
!= :igraph/accumulate-only.
It will make sense for many implementations of IGraph also to implement the basic set operations, defined in IGraphSet. Set operations may not be suitable between very large graphs.
For purposes of demonstration, let's assume a second graph other-eg
> (igraph/normal-form other-eg)
{:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:pork}},
:waldo {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beer}}}
I think examples of each operation should serve to describe them.
(union g1 g2)
-> A new graph with all triples from both graphs(difference g1 g2)
-> A new graph with triples in g1 not also in
g2(intersection g1 g2)
-> A new graph with only triples shared in
both graphsunion
> (igraph/normal-form (igraph/union eg other-eg))
{:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:pork :chicken}},
:waldo {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beer}}}
> (igraph/normal-form (igraph/intersection eg other-eg))
{:mary {:isa #{:person}}
> (igraph/normal-form (igraph/difference eg other-eg))
{:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:likes #{:chicken}}}
> (igraph/normal-form (igraph/difference other-eg eg))
{:mary {:likes #{:pork}}, :waldo {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beer}}}
Clojure and other functional programming languages have a reduce idiom, which allows the user to create aggregations over a sequence by providing a "reducer function" expressing the relationship between each member of that sequence and the resulting aggregation.
IGraph defines a traverse
function to allow the user to create
aggregations over the contents of a graph by providing a traversal function
, which is analogous to a reducer function, but is
nessesarily a bit more involved.
(traverse g traversal context acc queue)
-> acc'
... traversing g
per the traversal
function, starting with the
first element of queue
, possibly informed by context
This function will repeatedly call the traversal
function until
is empty, returning the final value for acc
. Each call to
the traversal function returns modified versions of context
, acc
and queue
To illustrate traversal, let's expand on our eg
graph by adding some
type structure:
Assume we have a graph called 'eg-with-types':
> (def eg-with-types
(add eg
[[:person :subClassOf :thing]
[:beef :subClassOf :meat]
[:chicken :subClassOf :meat]
[:meat :subClassOf :food]
[:beer :subClassOf :beverage]
[:beverage :subClassOf :consumable]
[:food :subClassOf :consumable]
[:consumable :subClassOf :thing]]))
> (eg-with-types)
{:consumable {:subClassOf #{:thing}},
:beef {:subClassOf #{:meat}},
:person {:subClassOf #{:thing}},
:beer {:subClassOf #{:beverage}},
:meat {:subClassOf #{:food}},
:food {:subClassOf #{:consumable}},
:beverage {:subClassOf #{:consumable}},
:pork {:subClassOf #{:meat}},
:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}},
:chicken {:subClassOf #{:meat}}}
Our eg-with-types
now provides a bit more context for what's going
on with our heroes John and Mary.
functionHere's an example of how the traverse
function works, starting with
a traversal function we'll call subClassOf*
, which follows and
accumulates all :subClassOf links, starting with an initial queue of
say, [:meat :beer]
> (igraph/traverse eg-with-types subClassOf* {} #{} [:meat :beer])
#{:consumable :beer :meat :food :beverage :thing}
The arguments for traverse
- an invariant graphtraversal-fn
- A function [g c acc q]
-> [c' acc' q']
defining the logic of each step in the traversalcontext
- (optional) a map holding the traversal history plus
whatever traversal-fn
may want to track. Default is {}acc
- accumulates the resulting value of the traversalqueue
- the starting queueThe traversal function takes 4 arguments and returns a vector of length 3.
> (subClassOf* eg-with-types {} #{} [:meat])
[{} #{:meat} (:food)]
> (subClassOf* eg-with-types {} #{:meat} '(:food))
[{} #{:meat :food} (:consumable)]
The first argument is the invariant graph itself.
The second argument (and first element returned) is the context, which
subClassOf* leaves unchanged. Context is used by traverse
to avoid
cycles, and will be explained in detail below, but let us
state here that more sophisticated traversal functions may use the
context as a kind of blackboard to guide the traversal.
The third argument (and second element returned) is the value to be accumulated, identical to its counterpart in the reduce idiom.
The fourth argument (and third element returned) is the traversal
queue. It must be sequential, and may be ordered in any way that makes
sense. An empty queue signals and end of the traversal, at which point
will return the value of the accumulator.
Here's a possible definition of subClassOf*:
(defn subClassOf* [g c acc q]
"Traversal function to accumulate super-classes."
(let [elt (first q)]
[c ;; context is unchanged
(conj acc elt) ;; updating the accumulator
(reduce conj
(rest q)
(g elt :subClassOf)) ;; adding super-classes to the queue
The context
argument to traverse
and its traversal function is a
map containing key-values which may inform the course of the
traversal, but are not part of the accumulated value. This will
set by traverse
, and updated to hold all elements
encountered in the course of the traversal. In order to avoid
cycles, any element in the history will be skipped should it ever
re-appear at the head of the queue.The traverse
function also supports these optional keys in the
(optional), a function (fn[x] ...) -> truthy, applicable to
the head of the queue, which will override :history
(optional), a function (fn [context acc]...)
-> acc'
. If
specified, this function will be called at the beginning of each
traversal, and if truthy and non-empty, the traversal will end
immediately with that value.
In addition, the traversal function may use the context as a blackboard to communicate between iterations of the traversal. As an example, you may want to prune and re-order your queue based on a set of heuristics, details of which are stored in the context.
The queue
argument must be sequential, but is otherwise
unrestricted. An empty queue signals the end of the traversal, at
which point traverse
will return the accumulated value.
Note that conj-ing to a vector in the traversal function suggests a breadth-first traversal, while conj-ing to a seq suggests a depth-first tranversal.
More sophisticated traversal functions may use the context to inform logic to prune and re-order the queue to optimize the traversal.
IGraph provides utilities to express several common types of traversal functions.
(trasitive-closure p)
-> (fn [g context acc to-visit] ...) -> [context' acc' queue']
This returns a traversal function which will accumulate all o
s.t. any s
in the queue is associated with o
through zero or
more p
So in the example above, the subClassOf*
function could be defined
(def subClassOf* (igraph/transitive-closure :subClassOf))
(traverse-link p)
-> (fn [g context acc queue] ...) -> [context
acc' []],The function returned here will accumulate all o
s.t. for all s
, (g s p o) is truthy:
> (igraph/traverse
(igraph/traverse-link :isa)
[:john :mary])
(maybe-traverse-link p)
-> (fn [g context acc queue] ...) ->
[context acc' []]Matches 0 or 1 occurrences of p
> (igraph/traverse eg-with-types
(igraph/maybe-traverse-link :isa)
[:john :mary])
#{:person :john :mary}
(traverse-or & ps)
-> (fn [g context acc queue] ...) -> [context
acc' []],Where ps
is one or more traversal functions, merging all of their outputs.
Keyword arguments are interpreted as an implicit traverse-link
> (def subsumed-by (igraph/traverse-or :isa :subClassOf))
> (igraph/traverse eg-with-types subsumed-by #{} [:john])
> (igraph/traverse eg-with-types subsumed-by #{} [:meat])
Composition functions are composable with a 'short form' and a 'long form'.
Short-form composition can be used when the traversal function meets the following criteria:
Such functions can be called as a simple vector:
> (def instance-of
(igraph/t-comp [:isa (igraph/transitive-closure :subClassOf)]))
> (igraph/traverse eg-with-types instance-of #{} [:john])
#{:person :thing}
In cases where one wants to compose a traversal function that cannot
meet the criteria above, then instead of passing to traversal-comp
vector of traversal functions, you pass in a map with the following
{ :path [:<traversal-stage-1> :<traversal-stage-2> ...]
:<traversal-stage-1> {:fn <traversal-fn>
:doc <docstring> (optional)
:into <initial accumulator> (default [])
:local-context-fn <context> (default nil)
:update-global-context (default nil)
:<traversal-stage-2> ...
A call to (t-comp [:a :b :c])
is equivalent to calling (t-comp {:path [:a :b :c]})
These parameters should allow you as much control as you need over the flow of contexts between each stage of traversal, and over the flow of outputs from any one stage into the input queue of its next stage.
However, most of the time, the short form is sufficient, and at this point, the long form has not been tested heavily.
This is a vector of traversal function specifications. Each traversal function specification must be either:
If the traversal function specification is itself a function, it will be applied directly.
If the traversal function specification is a keyword, and the t-comp map has a matching entry for that keyword, it will look for and interpret a map with the parameters described in the next section.
If the spec is a keyword without an entry in the long-form map, it is
assumed to be a candidate for an implicit traverse-link, i.e. a graph
element in 'p' position in g
local context
producing the context for this stage of the traversal.global-context'
, capturing whatever aspects of
the current stage of traversal may be of interest to subsequent
argument to invoke
Recall that implementations of IGraph should provide invoke
functions with 0-3 arguments.
Two of these functions involve specification of a p
(g s p) -> {<o>...}
(g s p o) -> truthy.
This is informed by a multimethod dispatched on whether p
is a
(match-or-traverse g s p)
-> #{...}(match-or-traverse g s p o)
-> truthyA typical declaration for an IGraph implementation will contain these two method declarations:
#?(:clj clojure.lang.IFn
:cljs cljs.core/IFn)
(invoke [g s p] (igraph/match-or-traverse g s p))
(invoke [g s p o] (igraph/match-or-traverse g s p o))
If the p
argument is a function, then p
will be expected to match
the signature of a traversal function, and the output of the method
will be the value of its traversal, starting with queue [s
If p
is not a function it will be matched directly against elements
of the graph.
So given the traversal functions in the examples above:
> (eg-with-types :beef subClassOf*)
#{:consumable :beef :meat :food :thing}
> (eg-with-types :beef subClassOf* :food)
> (eg-with-types :john (igraph/t-comp [:likes subClassOf*]))
#{:consumable :beef :meat :food :thing}
Requiring normal form to provide a set as its 3rd-tier representation has the advantage of ensuring that the normal form is as simple and regular as possible, and makes it easy to think about set operations over graphs. However, it can be a bit unwieldy when dealing with the many cases where the descriptive map's keys reliably map to a single scalar value.
The following utilities are provided to help with this:
(unique [x]) -> x
- translates a singleton sequence to its only
value(flatten-description (g s))
Automatically translates the p-o
description into a simple k-v mappings wherever only a single v
exists.(normalize-flat-description m)
is the inverse of
The unique
function takes a sequence and an optional on-ambiguity
argument. Default on-ambiguity throws ex-info of type
> (eg-with-types :john :isa)
> (igraph/unique (eg-with-types :john :isa))
> (igraph/unique (eg-with-types :beef subClassOf*))
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at ont-app.igraph.core/unique$fn (core.cljc:640).
Unique called on non-unique collection
> (igraph/unique (eg-with-types :beef subClassOf*)
Sometimes defining the
as an alias for unique
reads better, and is
easier to type:
> (def the igraph/unique)
> (the (eg-with-types :john :isa))
(igraph/flatten-description (eg-with-types :john))
{:isa :person, :likes :beef}
> (let [g (igraph/add
[:john :likes :beer :has-vector [1 2 3]])
(igraph/flatten-description (g :john)))
{:isa :person, :likes #{:beef :beer}, :has-vector [1 2 3]}
This is the inverse of flatten-description
> (igraph/normalize-flat-description
{:isa :person, :likes #{:beef :beer}, :has-vector [1 2 3]})
{:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef :beer}, :has-vector #{[1 2 3]}}
> (let [g (igraph/add
{:john (igraph/normalize-flat-description {:likes :beer})})
(g :john))
{:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef :beer}}
We can replace one singleton value with another using (assert-unique g s p o) -> g'
> (let [g (igraph/assert-unique eg :john :isa :man)]
(g :john))
{:likes #{:beef}, :isa #{:man}}
In general writing the normal form of a graph to a stream and applying the reader to it on the other end should be fairly straightforward. Any predicates bearing reader-choking objects will of course need to be filtered out.
At this point, only the :clj platform is directly supported with a pair of functions to read/write to the file system.
(write-to-file [path g] ...) -> path
Will write an edn file with the normal form contents of g
(read-from-file [g path] ...) -> g'
Will read the normal form contents of path
into g
(reduce-spo f acc g)
-> acc'
, such that f
is called on each triple in
. Where f
:= (fn [acc s p o]...) -> acc'
. Cf. reduce-kv> (defn tally-triples [tally s p o]
(inc tally))
> (igraph/reduce-spo tally-triples 0 eg)
The ont-app.igraph.graph
module makes one implementation of IGraph
available without any additional dependencies, and so far there are
two other libraries in the ont-app project which implement this
Other implementations are planned, and I'd be interested to learn of any implementations published by other parties.
The IGraph library comes with ont-app.igraph.graph
, whose Graph
deftype is a very lightweight implementation of IGraph.
Its native representation is just Normal Form. Any hashable object can
technically be provided for any s
, p
, or o
, but best practice is
to keep non-identifiers a the o
level if you want to play easily
with other IGraph implementations.
(require '[ont-app.igraph.graph :as g])
Use make-graph
to create a new graph, with an optional :contents
> (def eg (g/make-graph))
> (eg)
> (def eg
:contents {:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}}}
> (eg)
{:john {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:beef}},
:mary {:isa #{:person}, :likes #{:chicken}}}
The :contents
argument must be in Normal Form.
Querying is done with a very simple vector-of-triples graph pattern using keywords starting with ":?" to serve as variables. It returns an unordered set of binding maps. This is very minimalistic. Any selecting, ordering, grouping or aggregation needs to be done downstream from the call.
> (igraph/query eg [[:?liker :likes :?liked]])
#{{:?liker :john, :?liked :beef}
{:?liker :mary, :?liked :chicken}}
Traversal functions can be specified in p
> (igraph/query eg-with-types [[:?liker :likes ?liked]
[?liked subClassOf* :?liked-class]])
#{{:?liked :beef, :?liked-class :consumable, :?liker :john}
{:?liked :beef, :?liked-class :beef, :?liker :john}
{:?liked :chicken, :?liked-class :food, :?liker :mary}
{:?liked :chicken, :?liked-class :chicken, :?liker :mary}
{:?liked :chicken, :?liked-class :consumable, :?liker :mary}
{:?liked :beef, :?liked-class :meat, :?liker :john}
{:?liked :beef, :?liked-class :food, :?liker :john}
{:?liked :beef, :?liked-class :thing, :?liker :john}
{:?liked :chicken, :?liked-class :thing, :?liker :mary}
{:?liked :chicken, :?liked-class :meat, :?liker :mary}}
Implements IGraph for a SPARQL endpoint. Initializtion requires configuring query and update endpoints, and the query language is SPARQL.
Keyword identifiers are expected to be namespaced, and rely on the ont-app/vocabulary library, which uses namespace metadata to intercede between Clojure namespaces and RDF namespaces.
This implements IGraph for a datascript native representation, and may as such may need to be initialized with some schema declarations. Query language is datalog. Immutable, with set operations.
This implements IGraph for the Datomic Client API. The query language is datalog. Mutability model is Accumulate Only. There are no set operations.
will have query planning and indexing.Copyright © 2020-1 Eric D. Scott
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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Natural Lexicon logo - Copyright © 2020 Eric D. Scott. Artwork by Athena M. Scott. Released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Under the terms of this license, if you display this logo or derivates thereof, you must include an attribution to the original source, with a link to https://github.com/ont-app, or http://ericdscott.com. |
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