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Provides a view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint using the ont-app/IGraph protocol, and incoporating the ont-app/vocabulary facility.

This revolves around two defrecords: sparql-reader for read-only access to a public server, and sparql-updater for updating a mutable graph.



Clojars Project

(defproject ...
   [ont-app/sparql-client "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


Require thus:

(ns ...
    [ont-app.sparql-client.core :refer :all]
    [ont-app.igraph.core :refer :all]
    [ont-app.vocabulary.core :as voc]

Then create sparql-reader thus:

  :graph-uri <graph name> (optional, defaulting to DEFAULT)
  :query-url <query endpoint> 
  :binding-translator <binding translator> (optional)
  :authentication <authentication> (as required by the endpoint)

Such graphs will give you to view the contents of a read-only SPARQL endpoint using the IGraph protocol to access members of the graph.

Then create sparql-updater thus:

  :graph-uri <graph name> (optional, defaulting to DEFAULT)
  :query-url <query endpoint> 
  :update-url <update endpoint> 
  :binding-translator <binding translator> (optional)
  :authentication <authentication> (as required by the endpoint)


  • graph name is a keyword representing the URI of the appropriate named graph. if unspecified, the DEFAULT graph will be assumed.
  • query-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL query endpoint
  • binding-translator is a function that takes the bindings returned in the standard SPARQL query response format, and returns a simplified key/value map.
  • update-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL update query endpoint (sparql-updater only)
  • authentication is a password (as needed; defaults to nil)

Each of these will produce a record that implements ont-app/IGraph.

Keywords in any namespaces with the appropriate Linked Open Data (LOD) constructs described in ont-app/vocabulary will be interpreted as URIs.

Member access (both reader and updater)

Let's say we want to reference subjects in Wikidata. We can define the query endpoint...

(def wikidata-endpoint

We can define a read-only SPARQL client to that endpoint...

(def client (make-sparql-reader :query-url wikidata-endpoint)) 

This will produce an instance of a SparqlReader

;; -> 
{:graph-uri nil,
 {:uri #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/uri-translator],
  :lang #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/form-translator],
  :datatype #function[ont-app.sparql-endpoint.core/parse-xsd-value],
  :bnode #function[clojure.core/partial/fn--5826]},
 :auth nil}

Since it implements IGraph and Ifn, we can make calls like the following, describing let's say Barack Obama, whose Q-number in Wikidata happens to be Q76.

(client :wd/Q76) 
;; -> 
{:p/P4985 #{:wds/Q76-62b91a68-499a-47db-6786-87cdda9ff578},
 #{:ugForm/باراك_ئوباما :mznForm/باراک_اوباما :pihForm/Barack_Obama
   :mkForm/Барак_Обама :nahForm/Barack_Obama :gvForm/Barack_Obama
   :nds-nlForm/Barack_Obama :urForm/بارک_اوباما :kaaForm/Barak_Obama
 :wdt/P6385 #{"istoriya/OBAMA_BARAK_HUSEN.html"},
 :wdt/P4159 #{"Barack_Obama_(2)"},
 :p/P4515 #{:wds/Q76-b5be51e2-470e-138e-1401-3a66bfb71c53},

This returns map with large number of wikidata properties indicated by rdfs:label links to a wide array of languages, and P-numbers which Wikidata uses to uniquely identify a wide array of relationships. See the Wikidata documentation for details.

Let's say we're just interested in the labels...

(client :wd/Q76 :rdfs/label)
;; ->
#{:ugForm/باراك_ئوباما :mznForm/باراک_اوباما :pihForm/Barack_Obama
   :mkForm/Барак_Обама :nahForm/Barack_Obama :gvForm/Barack_Obama
   :nds-nlForm/Barack_Obama :urForm/بارک_اوباما :kaaForm/Barak_Obama
   :en-caForm/Barack_Obama :asForm/বাৰাক_অ'বামা :rwForm/Barack_Obama
   :zuForm/Barack_Obama :tgForm/Барак_Ҳусейн_Обама
   :dsbForm/Barack_Obama :yiForm/באראק_אבאמא :brForm/Barack_Obama
   :anForm/Barack_Obama :orForm/ବରାକ_ଓବାମା :sr-ecForm/Барак_Обама
   :rmyForm/Barack_Obama :sr-elForm/Barak_Obama :bxrForm/Барак_Обама
   :uzForm/Barack_Obama :fiForm/Barack_Obama :myvForm/Обамань_Барак

This returns the set of labels associated with the former president.

> (def barry-labels (client :wd/Q76 :rdfs/label)]
> ;; English...
> (filter (comp #(re-find #"^enForm" (namespace %))) barry-labels)
> ;; Chinese ...
> (filter (comp #(re-find #"^zhForm" (namespace %))) barry-labels)

We can use a traversal function as the p argument (see IGraph docs for a discussion of traversal functions) ...

> (def instance-of (t-comp [:wdt/P31 (transitive-closure :wdt/P279)]))
> ;; Is Barry a human?...
> (client :wd/Q76 instance-of :wd/Q5)
:wd/Q5 ;; yep


The native query format is of course SPARQL:

(def barry-query
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = \"en\")

The prefixed function, and namespace metadata

If there are proper ont-app/vocabulary namespace declarations, we can automatically assign prefixes to a query using the prefixed function:

(println (prefixed barry-query))
;; ->
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = "en")

This works because metadata has been assigned to the metadata of namespaces associated with wd and rdfs ...

> (voc/prefix-to-ns)
 "wd" #namespace[org.naturallexicon.lod.wikidata.wd],
 "rdfs" #namespace[org.naturallexicon.lod.rdf-schema],
> (meta (find-ns 'org.naturallexicon.lod.wikidata.wd))
{:dc/title "Wikibase/EntityData",
 :foaf/homepage "",
 :vann/preferredNamespaceUri "",
 :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "wd"}
> (meta (find-ns 'org.naturallexicon.lod.rdf-schema))
{:dc/title "The RDF Schema vocabulary (RDFS)",
 :vann/preferredNamespaceUri "",
 :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "rdfs",
 :foaf/homepage "",
 :dcat/downloadURL "",

The only annotations required to resolve prefixes appropriately are the :vann/preferredNamespaceUri and :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix annotations. See ont-app/vocabulary for more details about annotating namespaces.

Binding translation

By default, bindings in the result set are simplified as follows:

  • values tagged xsd:type (integers, time stamps, etc.) are parsed and interpreted
  • URIs are interned as namespaced keywords using ont-app/vocabulary
  • values with language tags are interned as kewords of the form :<lang>Form/<string>, with whitespace translated to underscores, per namespaces defined in vocabulary.linguistics. E.g. "Barack Obama"@en becomes :enForm/Barack_Obama.

See ont-app/sparql-endpoint for documentation on SPARQL binding simplification. See ont-app/vocabulary for documentation on how namespaces may be annotated with metadata to inform URI translations.

Given the above, we can query the client thus:

(query client (prefixed barry-query))

;; ->
({:label :enForm/Barack_Obama})


SPARQL endpoints are mutable databases, and so update operations are destructive.

When you have access to a SPARQL update endpoint, we use make-sparql-updater:

(def g (make-sparql-updater
        :graph-uri ::test-graph
        :query-url "localhost:3030/my_dataset/query"
        :update-url "localhost:3030/my_dataset/update"))

This has the same parameters as make-sparql-reader, plus an :update-url parameter.

This implements the IGraphMutable protocol, with methods add! and subtract!:

(ns example-ns
  :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "eg"
  :vann/preferredNamespaceUri ""
  (require ....)

(def g (make-sparql-updater ...))

(normal-form (add! g [[::A ::B ::C]]...))
;; ->
{:eg/A {:eg/B #{:eg/C}}}

(normal-form (subtract! g [[::A]]...))

Ordinary SPARQL updates can also be posed:

(update-endoint g "DROP ALL") # careful now!
;; ->
"<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Success</h1>\n<p>\nUpdate succeeded\n</p>\n</body>\n</html>\n"

;; ->

Future work

  • Authorization tokens still need to be implemented.
  • Literal object types are not infered and encoded with ^^xsd:* datatypes.


Copyright © 2019 Eric D. Scott

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.

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