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Functions related to processing HTML.

Functions related to processing HTML.
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(first-body-thumbnail html-body)
(first-body-thumbnail html-body exclude-gifs?)

Given an entry body get the first thumbnail available. Thumbnail type: image, video or chart. This rely on the similitudes between jQuery and soup parsed objects like the attr function.

Given an entry body get the first thumbnail available.
Thumbnail type: image, video or chart.
This rely on the similitudes between jQuery and soup parsed objects like the attr function.
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(sanitize-html html-str)

Sanitizes HTML content assumed to have been created by a (untrusted) user.

Sanitizes HTML content assumed to have been created by a (untrusted) user.
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(strip-html-tags html-str & {:keys [decode-entities?] :as opts})

Reduces an html string to only its textual content, removing all tags. Takes optional args:

  • :decode-entities? if true, will decode HTML entities (e.g. @)
Reduces an html string to only its textual content, removing all tags. Takes
optional args:
  - `:decode-entities?` if true, will decode HTML entities (e.g. @)
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(strip-xss-tags data)

Current xss tags are script, style, and input.

Current xss tags are script, style, and input.
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