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Turn Clojure functions into CLIs!



This library is still in design phase and may still undergo breaking changes. Check breaking changes before upgrading!


Add to your deps.edn or bb.edn :deps entry:

org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "0.2.10"}


Command line arguments in clojure and babashka CLIs are often in the form:

$ tool subcommand :opt1 :v1 :opt2 :v2

or the more Unixy:

$ tool subcommand --long-opt1 v1 -o v2

This library eases that style of command line parsing.

It does not convert options into EDN automatically which, arguably, is more convenient for command line usage, especially on Windows. This library does offer a light-weight way to coerce strings.

Both : and -- are supported as the initial characters of a named option.


Parse {:port 1339} from command line arguments:

(require '[babashka.cli :as cli])

(cli/parse-opts ["--port" "1339"] {:coerce {:port :long}})
;;=> {:port 1339}

Use an alias (short option):

(cli/parse-opts ["-p" "1339"] {:aliases {:p :port} :coerce {:port :long}})
;; {:port 1339}

Collect values into a collection:

(cli/parse-opts ["--paths" "src" "--paths" "test"] {:collect {:paths []}})
;;=> {:paths ["src" "test"]}

(cli/parse-opts ["--paths" "src" "test"] {:collect {:paths []}})
;;=> {:paths ["src" "test"]}

Booleans need no explicit true value and :coerce option:

(cli/parse-opts ["--verbose"])
;;=> {:verbose true}

(cli/parse-opts ["-v" "-v" "-v"] {:aliases {:v :verbose}
                                         :collect {:verbose []}})
;;=> {:verbose [true true true]}

Long options also support the syntax --foo=bar:

(cli/parse-opts ["--foo=bar"])
;;=> {:foo "bar"}

Projects using babashka CLI

Usage in babashka tasks

For documentation on babashka tasks, go here.

To parse options to your tasks, add [babashka.cli :as cli] to :requires. Then you can parse the options in :init:

:init (def cmd-line-opts (cli/parse-opts *command-line-args*)))

and then use this in any task:

(when-not (:skip-bump cmd-line-opts)
  (run 'bump-release))

and your tasks can then be called with options:

$ bb publish --skip-bump

Usage with the clojure CLI

You can control parsing behavior by adding :org.babashka/cli metadata to Clojure functions. It does not introduce a dependency on babashka.cli itself. Not adding any metadata will result in string values, which in many cases may already be a reasonable default.

Adding support for this library will cause less friction with shell usage, especially on Windows since you need less quoting. You can support the same function for both clojure -X and clojure -M style invocations without writing extra boilerplate.

In your deps.edn :aliases entry, add:

:exec {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "0.2.10"}
       :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

Now you can call any function that accepts a map argument. E.g.:

$ clojure -M:exec clojure.core prn :a 1 :b 2
{:a "1", :b "2"}

Use :org.babashka/cli metadata for coercions:

(ns my-ns)

(defn foo
  {:org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:a :symbol :b :long}}}
  ;; map argument:
  ;; print map argument:
  (prn m))
$ clojure -M:exec my-ns foo :a foo/bar :b 2 :c vanilla
{:a foo/bar, :b 2, :c "vanilla"}

Note that any library can add support for babashka CLI without depending on babashka CLI.

An example that specializes babashka.cli usage to a function:

:prn {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "0.2.10"}}
      :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec" "clojure.core" "prn"]}
$ clojure -M:prn --foo=bar --baz
{:foo "bar" :baz true}

To alter the parsing behavior of functions you don't control, you can add :org.babashka/cli data in the deps.edn alias:

:prn {:main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec" "clojure.core" "prn"]
      :org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:foo :long}}}
$ clojure -M:prn --foo=1
{:foo 1}


.clojure/deps.edn alias:

:antq {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "0.2.10"}
              com.github.liquidz/antq {:mvn/version "1.7.798"}}
       :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec" "antq.tool" "outdated"]
       :org.babashka/cli {:collect {:skip []}}}

On the command line you can now run it with:

$ clj -M:antq --upgrade

Note that we are calling the same outdated function that you normally call with -T:

$ clj -Tantq outdated :upgrade true

even though antq has its own -main function.

Note that we added the :org.babashka/cli {:collect {:skip []}} data in the alias to make sure that --skip options get collected into a vector:

clj -M:antq --upgrade --skip github-action


clj -Tantq outdated :upgrade true :skip '["github-action"]'


.clojure/deps.edn alias:

:new {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "0.2.10"}
             com.github.seancorfield/clj-new {:mvn/version "1.2.381"}}
      :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec" "clj-new"]}


$ clj -M:new app --name foo/bar --force --version 1.2.3
Generating a project called bar based on the 'app' template.


This tool can be used to run clojure exec functions with lein.

In ~/.lein/profiles.clj put:

{:clj-1.11 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]]}
 :clj-new {:dependencies [[org.babashka/cli "0.2.9"]
                          [com.github.seancorfield/clj-new "1.2.381"]]}
 :user {:aliases {"clj-new" ["with-profiles" "+clj-1.11,+clj-new"
                             "run" "-m" "babashka.cli.exec"
                             {:exec-args {:env {:description "My project"}}
                              :coerce {:verbose :long}
                              :collect {:args []}
                              :aliases {:f :force}}

After that you can use lein clj-new app to call an exec function:

$ lein clj-new app --name foobar/baz --verbose 3 -f


Copyright © 2022 Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.

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