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(-main & args)

Main entrypoint for command line usage. Expects a namespace and var name followed by zero or more key value pair arguments that will be parsed and passed to the var. If the first argument is map-shaped, it is read as an EDN map containing parse instructions.

Example when used as a clojure CLI alias:

clojure -M:exec clojure.core prn :a 1 :b 2
;;=> {:a "1" :b "2"}
Main entrypoint for command line usage.
Expects a namespace and var name followed by zero or more key value
pair arguments that will be parsed and passed to the var. If the
first argument is map-shaped, it is read as an EDN map containing
parse instructions.

Example when used as a clojure CLI alias:
``` clojure
clojure -M:exec clojure.core prn :a 1 :b 2
;;=> {:a "1" :b "2"}
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