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(auto-coerce s)

Auto-coerces s to data. Does not coerce when s is not a string. If s:

  • is true or false, it is coerced as boolean
  • starts with number, it is coerced as a number (through edn/read-string)
  • starts with :, it is coerced as a keyword (through parse-keyword)
Auto-coerces `s` to data. Does not coerce when `s` is not a string.
If `s`:
* is `true` or `false`, it is coerced as boolean
* starts with number, it is coerced as a number (through `edn/read-string`)
* starts with `:`, it is coerced as a keyword (through `parse-keyword`)
sourceraw docstring


(coerce s f)

Coerce string s using f. Does not coerce when s is not a string. f may be a keyword (:boolean, :int, :double, :symbol, :keyword) or a function. When f return nil, this is interpreted as a parse failure and throws.

Coerce string `s` using `f`. Does not coerce when `s` is not a string.
`f` may be a keyword (`:boolean`, `:int`, `:double`, `:symbol`,
`:keyword`) or a function. When `f` return `nil`, this is
interpreted as a parse failure and throws.
sourceraw docstring


(dispatch table args)
(dispatch table args opts)

Subcommand dispatcher.

Dispatches on longest matching command entry in table by matching subcommands to the :cmds vector and invoking the correspondig :fn.

Table is in the form:

[{:cmds ["sub_1" .. "sub_n"] :fn f :args->opts [:lib]}
 {:cmds [] :fn f}]

When a match is found, :fn called with the return value of parse-args applied to args enhanced with:

  • :dispatch - the matching commands
  • :args - concatenation of unparsed commands and args
  • :rest-cmds: DEPRECATED, this will be removed in a future version

Use an empty :cmds vector to always match or to provide global options.

Provide an :error-fn to deal with non-matches.

Each entry in the table may have additional parse-args options.

For more information and examples, see

Subcommand dispatcher.

Dispatches on longest matching command entry in `table` by matching
subcommands to the `:cmds` vector and invoking the correspondig `:fn`.

Table is in the form:

[{:cmds ["sub_1" .. "sub_n"] :fn f :args->opts [:lib]}
 {:cmds [] :fn f}]

When a match is found, `:fn` called with the return value of
`parse-args` applied to `args` enhanced with:

* `:dispatch` - the matching commands
* `:args` - concatenation of unparsed commands and args
* `:rest-cmds`: DEPRECATED, this will be removed in a future version

Use an empty `:cmds` vector to always match or to provide global options.

Provide an `:error-fn` to deal with non-matches.

Each entry in the table may have additional `parse-args` options.

For more information and examples, see [](
sourceraw docstring


(format-opts {:as cfg :keys [indent] :or {indent 2}})


(format-table {:keys [rows indent]})


(merge-opts m & ms)

Merges babashka CLI options.

Merges babashka CLI options.
sourceraw docstring


(number-char? c)


(opts->table {:keys [spec order]})


(pad len s)


(pad-cells rows)


(parse-args args)
(parse-args args opts)

Same as parse-opts but separates parsed opts into :opts and adds :cmds and :rest-args on the top level instead of metadata.

Same as `parse-opts` but separates parsed opts into `:opts` and adds
`:cmds` and `:rest-args` on the top level instead of metadata.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-cmds args)
(parse-cmds args {:keys [no-keyword-opts]})

Parses sub-commands (arguments not starting with an option prefix) and returns a map with:

  • :cmds - The parsed subcommands
  • :args - The remaining (unparsed) arguments
Parses sub-commands (arguments not starting with an option prefix) and returns a map with:
* `:cmds` - The parsed subcommands
* `:args` - The remaining (unparsed) arguments
sourceraw docstring


(parse-keyword s)

Parse keyword from s. Ignores leading :.

Parse keyword from `s`. Ignores leading `:`.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-opts args)
(parse-opts args opts)

Parse the command line arguments args, a seq of strings. Instead of a leading : either -- or - may be used as well.

Return value: a map with parsed opts.

Additional data such as arguments (not corresponding to any options) are available under the :org.babashka/cli key in the metadata.

Supported options:

  • :coerce - a map of option (keyword) names to type keywords (optionally wrapped in a collection.)
  • :alias - a map of short names to long names.
  • :spec - a spec of options. See spec.
  • :restrict - true or coll of keys. Throw on first parsed option not in set of keys or keys of :spec and :coerce combined.
  • :require - a coll of options that are required. See require.
  • :validate - a map of validator functions. See validate.
  • :exec-args - a map of default args. Will be overridden by args specified in args.
  • :no-keyword-opts - true. Support only --foo-style opts (i.e. :foo will not work).
  • :args->opts - consume unparsed commands and args as options


(parse-opts ["foo" ":bar" "1"])
;; => {:bar "1", :org.babashka/cli {:cmds ["foo"]}}
(parse-args [":b" "1"] {:aliases {:b :bar} :coerce {:bar parse-long}})
;; => {:bar 1}
(parse-args ["--baz" "--qux"] {:spec {:baz {:desc "Baz"} :restrict true})
;; => throws 'Unknown option --qux' exception b/c there is no :qux key in the spec
Parse the command line arguments `args`, a seq of strings.
Instead of a leading `:` either `--` or `-` may be used as well.

Return value: a map with parsed opts.

Additional data such as arguments (not corresponding to any options)
are available under the `:org.babashka/cli` key in the metadata.

Supported options:
* `:coerce` - a map of option (keyword) names to type keywords (optionally wrapped in a collection.)
* `:alias` - a map of short names to long names.
* `:spec` - a spec of options. See [spec](
* `:restrict` - `true` or coll of keys. Throw on first parsed option not in set of keys or keys of `:spec` and `:coerce` combined.
* `:require` - a coll of options that are required. See [require](
* `:validate` - a map of validator functions. See [validate](
* `:exec-args` - a map of default args. Will be overridden by args specified in `args`.
* `:no-keyword-opts` - `true`. Support only `--foo`-style opts (i.e. `:foo` will not work).
* `:args->opts` - consume unparsed commands and args as options


(parse-opts ["foo" ":bar" "1"])
;; => {:bar "1", :org.babashka/cli {:cmds ["foo"]}}
(parse-args [":b" "1"] {:aliases {:b :bar} :coerce {:bar parse-long}})
;; => {:bar 1}
(parse-args ["--baz" "--qux"] {:spec {:baz {:desc "Baz"} :restrict true})
;; => throws 'Unknown option --qux' exception b/c there is no :qux key in the spec
sourceraw docstring


(spec->opts spec)
(spec->opts spec {:keys [exec-args]})

Converts spec into opts format. Pass existing opts as optional second argument.

Converts spec into opts format. Pass existing opts as optional second argument.
sourceraw docstring

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