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(find-path parent-pointer-tree target-node)

Returns path which is a list of nodes from root node to target node.

parent-pointer-tree: mapping from child node to parent node see:

(find-path {1 0 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 3} 5) => (1 3 5)

Returns path which is a list of nodes from root node to target node.

  mapping from child node to parent node

(find-path {1 0
            2 1
            3 1
            4 2
            5 3}
=> (1 3 5)
sourceraw docstring


(flatten-tree adjacency-list node)

Returns a depth-first traversal of the tree. Where :start and :end represents the start or end of a node's exploration.

adjacency-list: map => { parent-node [child child ...], ... }. node: this node will be explored using depth first search.

(flatten-tree {1 [2 3] 2 [4] 3 [5]} 1)

=> [[1 :start 0] [2 :start 1] [4 :start 2] [4 :end 2] [2 :end 1] [3 :start 1] [5 :start 2] [5 :end 2] [3 :end 1] [1 :end 0]]

[node start/end depth] node: unique index of each node. start/end: [[node1 :start] ... [node1 :end]] everything in between are children of node1 level: level of node in the tree

Returns a depth-first traversal of the tree. Where :start and :end represents
the start or end of a node's exploration.

adjacency-list: map => { parent-node  [child child ...], ... }.
node: this node will be explored using depth first search.

    {1 [2 3]
     2 [4]
     3 [5]}

=> [[1 :start 0]
    [2 :start 1]
    [4 :start 2]
    [4 :end 2]
    [2 :end 1]
    [3 :start 1]
    [5 :start 2]
    [5 :end 2]
    [3 :end 1]
    [1 :end 0]]

[node start/end depth]
node: unique index of each node.
  [[node1 :start] ... [node1 :end]]
  everything in between are children of node1
level: level of node in the tree
sourceraw docstring

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