A Clojure tool for displaying arbitrary, nested data structures as a read-only, form-based UI. DSUI stands for "Data Structure User Interface".
Being tired of writing UI code.
Avoiding this:
And getting this instead:
Via deps:
{:deps {org.clojars.azel4231/dsui {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}}}
Via lein:
:dependencies [[org.clojars.azel4231/dsui "0.1.1"]]
Via maven:
(require '[dsui.swing :as d])
Display data as a form-based UI:
(d/dsui any-data)
Show how data conforms to a spec. Useful for specs with choices (via s/or) or labeled values (vis s/cat). If the data does not conform, displays the explanation (explain-data) as a ui:
(d/conform-ui ::any-spec any-data)
Attach dsui to a ref and leave it open:
(defonce state (atom []))
(defonce ui (d/watch-ui state))
Swap new data into the atom to update the watch-ui window (REPL workflow)
(reset! state '[1 2 3 "A" "B" "C" + - * /])
Or just have it display your app's changing app-state.
Does not support:
Not suited for:
DSUI uses clojure.spec to "parse" an arbitrary data structure. The conformed data is used to generate the swing UI by calling a multimethod that polymorphically creates different types of UI elements.
More detailed explanations can be found here and here
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
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