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(-main & args)

The Geni CLI entrypoint.

It does the following:

  • Prints the Spark config and a welcome note.
  • Launches an nREPL server, which writes to .nrepl-port for a text editor to connect to.
  • Starts a REPL(-y).
The Geni CLI entrypoint.

It does the following:
- Prints the Spark config and a welcome note.
- Launches an nREPL server, which writes to `.nrepl-port` for a
  text editor to connect to.
- Starts a REPL(-y).
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The initial form evaluated when the REPL starts up.

The initial form evaluated when the REPL starts up.
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The default SparkSession as a Future object.

The default SparkSession as a Future object.
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