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(expand this opts)


(linear-router compiled-routes)
(linear-router compiled-routes opts)

Creates a linear-router from resolved routes and optional expanded options. See router for available options, plus the following:

:reitit.trie/trie-compilerOptional trie-compiler.
:reitit.trie/parametersOptional function to create empty map(-like) path parameters value from sequence of keys.
Creates a linear-router from resolved routes and optional
expanded options. See [[router]] for available options, plus the following:

| key                          | description |
| -----------------------------|-------------|
| `:reitit.trie/trie-compiler` | Optional trie-compiler.
| `:reitit.trie/parameters`    | Optional function to create empty map(-like) path parameters value from sequence of keys.
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(lookup-router compiled-routes)
(lookup-router compiled-routes opts)

Creates a lookup-router from resolved routes and optional expanded options. See router for available options.

Creates a lookup-router from resolved routes and optional
expanded options. See [[router]] for available options.
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(match->path match)
(match->path match query-params)


(match-by-name! this name)
(match-by-name! this name path-params)


(mixed-router compiled-routes)
(mixed-router compiled-routes opts)

Creates two routers: lookup-router or single-static-path-router for static routes and [[segment-router]] for wildcard routes. All routes should be non-conflicting. Takes resolved routes and optional expanded options. See router for options.

Creates two routers: [[lookup-router]] or [[single-static-path-router]] for
static routes and [[segment-router]] for wildcard routes. All
routes should be non-conflicting. Takes resolved routes and optional
expanded options. See [[router]] for options.
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(partial-match? x)


(quarantine-router compiled-routes)
(quarantine-router compiled-routes opts)

Creates two routers: mixed-router for non-conflicting routes and linear-router for conflicting routes. Takes resolved routes and optional expanded options. See router for options.

Creates two routers: [[mixed-router]] for non-conflicting routes
and [[linear-router]] for conflicting routes. Takes resolved routes
and optional expanded options. See [[router]] for options.
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(compiled-routes this)


(match-by-name this name)
(match-by-name this name path-params)


(match-by-path this path)


(options this)


(route-names this)


(router-name this)


(routes this)


(router raw-routes)
(router raw-routes opts)

Create a Router from raw route data and optionally an options map. Selects implementation based on route details. The following options are available:

:pathBase-path for routes
:routesInitial resolved routes (default [])
:dataInitial route data (default {})
:specclojure.spec definition for a route data, see reitit.spec on how to use this
:syntaxPath-parameter syntax as keyword or set of keywords (default #{:bracket :colon})
:expandFunction of arg opts => data to expand route arg to route data (default reitit.core/expand)
:coerceFunction of route opts => route to coerce resolved route, can throw or return nil
:compileFunction of route opts => result to compile a route handler
:validateFunction of routes opts => () to validate route (data) via side-effects
:conflictsFunction of {route #{route}} => () to handle conflicting routes
:exceptionFunction of Exception => Exception to handle creation time exceptions (default reitit.exception/exception)
:meta-mergeFunction of left right => merged to merge route-data (default meta-merge.core/meta-merge)
:map-dataFunction of f routes => route-data
:update-pathsSequence of Vectors with elements update-path and function, used to preprocess route data
:routerFunction of routes opts => router to override the actual router implementation
Create a [[Router]] from raw route data and optionally an options map.
Selects implementation based on route details. The following options
are available:

| key             | description
| ----------------|-------------
| `:path`         | Base-path for routes
| `:routes`       | Initial resolved routes (default `[]`)
| `:data`         | Initial route data (default `{}`)
| `:spec`         | clojure.spec definition for a route data, see `reitit.spec` on how to use this
| `:syntax`       | Path-parameter syntax as keyword or set of keywords (default #{:bracket :colon})
| `:expand`       | Function of `arg opts => data` to expand route arg to route data (default `reitit.core/expand`)
| `:coerce`       | Function of `route opts => route` to coerce resolved route, can throw or return `nil`
| `:compile`      | Function of `route opts => result` to compile a route handler
| `:validate`     | Function of `routes opts => ()` to validate route (data) via side-effects
| `:conflicts`    | Function of `{route #{route}} => ()` to handle conflicting routes
| `:exception`    | Function of `Exception => Exception ` to handle creation time exceptions (default `reitit.exception/exception`)
| `:meta-merge`   | Function of `left right => merged` to merge route-data (default `meta-merge.core/meta-merge`)
| `:map-data`     | Function of `f routes => route-data`
| `:update-paths` | Sequence of Vectors with elements `update-path` and `function`, used to preprocess route data
| `:router`       | Function of `routes opts => router` to override the actual router implementation
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(router? x)


(single-static-path-router compiled-routes)
(single-static-path-router compiled-routes opts)

Creates a fast router of 1 static route(s) and optional expanded options. See router for available options.

Creates a fast router of 1 static route(s) and optional
expanded options. See [[router]] for available options.
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(trie-router compiled-routes)
(trie-router compiled-routes opts)

Creates a special prefix-tree router from resolved routes and optional expanded options. See router for available options, plus the following:

:reitit.trie/trie-compilerOptional trie-compiler.
:reitit.trie/parametersOptional function to create empty map(-like) path parameters value from sequence of keys.
Creates a special prefix-tree router from resolved routes and optional
expanded options. See [[router]] for available options, plus the following:

| key                          | description |
| -----------------------------|-------------|
| `:reitit.trie/trie-compiler` | Optional trie-compiler.
| `:reitit.trie/parameters`    | Optional function to create empty map(-like) path parameters value from sequence of keys.
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