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Omnipotent/omniscient tracing core for debugging clojure(script)

very early alpha, api is still unstable

Clojars Project

or just through github source:

omni_trace/omni_trace {:git/url "" :sha "5def7f9ad31d703317e5be5e64a57322e1c89eed"}


(ns user
  (:require [omni-trace.omni-trace :as o]
            [omni-trace.testing-ns :as e]
            [omni-trace.flamegraph :as flame]
            [portal.web :as p]))

  ;instrument a namespace
  (o/instrument-ns 'omni-trace.testing-ns)
  ;run functions in that namespace
  (-> e/machine-init
      (e/insert-coin :quarter)
      (e/insert-coin :dime)
      (e/insert-coin :nickel)
      (e/insert-coin :penny)
      (e/press-button :a1))
  ;look at traces for every function that was traced
  ;connect to portal
  (def portal (p/open))
  (add-tap #'p/submit)
  ;send the trace to portal as a vegajs flamegraph
  (tap> (flame/flamegraph (flame/flamedata @o/workspace)))
  ;remove tracing from a namesapce
  (o/uninstrument-ns 'omni-trace.testing-ns))


In the works

  • better trace output to the REPL
  • callbacks from Portal so you can rerun an updated function with the old params by clicking on it in the Flamegraph
  • Debux integration for inner function traces
  • trace a function recursivley so you can see the whole graph without without knowing what to trace
  • stop tracing functions that get called to often, so that mapping doesn't produce to much data
  • (maybe) timetravel in trace
  • Calva integration to display traces inline

Related works

  • Debux: tracing library that show what is going on inside of a function call. Hopefully this can be integrated as the "inner" function trace in omni-trace
  • Sayid: clojure only version of what omni-trace is trying to do
  • Postmortem: great library for debugging dataflow

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