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(combine-dependencies a b)

Combines dependencies. Use it with reduce. Dependencies are a hash map of a key and a dependency type.

Combines dependencies. Use it with `reduce`.
Dependencies are a hash map of a key and a dependency type.
sourceraw docstring



(build this dependencies)

Builds a stoppable object from dependencies.

Builds a stoppable object from dependencies.


(dependencies this)

Returns a map of a key and a dependency type. A type can be :required, :skipping-circular, or :optional.

Returns a map of a key and a dependency type.
A type can be :required, :skipping-circular, or :optional.


(ref key)
(ref key f & args)

Returns a factory referencing to another one.

(def port (di/ref "PORT" parse-long)

(def routes (di/template [["/posts" (di/ref `handler)]]))

(di/start root {:my-abstraction (di/refimplemntation)})

See template.

Returns a factory referencing to another one.

(def port (di/ref "PORT" parse-long)

(def routes (di/template [["/posts" (di/ref `handler)]]))

(di/start `root {:my-abstraction (di/ref `implemntation)})

See `template`.
sourceraw docstring


(start key & middlewares)

Starts a system of dependent objects.

The key argument is a name of the system root. Use symbols for var names, keywords for abstract dependencies, and strings for environments variables.

The key is looked up in a registry. By default registry uses system env and clojure namespaces to resolve string and symbol keys, respectively.

You can extend it with middlewares. Each middleware can be one of the following form:

  • a function registry -> key -> Factory
  • a vector of a function [registry args*] -> key -> Factory and it's arguments
  • a map of key and Factory instance
  • a sequence of the previous forms

Middlewares also allows you to instrument built objects. It's useful for logging, schema validation, AOP, etc. See with-decorator.

(di/start root {:my-abstraction implemntationsome-key replacement "LOG_LEVEL" "info"} (concat dev-middlwares test-middlewares) [di/with-decorator `log])

Returns a container contains started root of the system. The container implements AutoCloseable, Stoppable, IDeref and IFn.

Use with-open in tests to stop the system reliably.

See the tests for use cases.

Starts a system of dependent objects.

The key argument is a name of the system root.
Use symbols for var names, keywords for abstract dependencies,
and strings for environments variables.

The key is looked up in a registry.
By default registry uses system env and clojure namespaces
to resolve string and symbol keys, respectively.

You can extend it with middlewares.
Each middleware can be one of the following form:

- a function `registry -> key -> Factory`
- a vector of a function `[registry args*] -> key -> Factory` and it's arguments
- a map of key and `Factory` instance
- a sequence of the previous forms

Middlewares also allows you to instrument built objects.
It's useful for logging, schema validation, AOP, etc.
See `with-decorator`.

(di/start `root
          {:my-abstraction implemntation
           `some-key replacement
           "LOG_LEVEL" "info"}
          (concat dev-middlwares test-middlewares)
          [di/with-decorator `log])

Returns a container contains started root of the system.
The container implements `AutoCloseable`, `Stoppable`, `IDeref` and `IFn`.

Use `with-open` in tests to stop the system reliably.

See the tests for use cases.
sourceraw docstring



(stop this)

Stops the object. Returns nothing.

Stops the object. Returns nothing.


(template form)

Returns a factory for templating a data-structure. Replaces Factory instances with built objects.

(def routes (di/template [["/posts" (di/ref `handler)]]))

(def routes (di/template [["/posts" #'handler]]))

See ref.

Returns a factory for templating a data-structure.
Replaces `Factory` instances with built objects.

(def routes (di/template [["/posts" (di/ref `handler)]]))

(def routes (di/template [["/posts" #'handler]]))

See `ref`.
sourceraw docstring


(with-decorator registry decorator-key & args)

Wraps registry to decorate or instrument built objects. Use it for logging, schema checking, AOP, etc. The decorator-key should refer to a var like the following one.

(defn my-instrumentation [{state :some/state} key object & args] (if (need-instrument? key object) (instrument state object args) object))

(di/start root [di/with-decoratormy-instrumentation arg1 arg2])

Wraps registry to decorate or instrument built objects.
Use it for logging, schema checking, AOP, etc.
The `decorator-key` should refer to a var like the following one.

(defn my-instrumentation [{state :some/state} key object & args]
  (if (need-instrument? key object)
    (instrument state object args)

(di/start `root [di/with-decorator `my-instrumentation arg1 arg2])
sourceraw docstring

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