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  • Internal refactoring: switched from recursive functions to loop/recur to minimize stack traces in exceptions.
  • Missing and circular dependency exceptions now include a stack of keys inside ex-info for easier debugging.
  • Improved key generation: better naming of generated keys in update-key.
  • Increased test coverage to ensure better reliability.
  • Updated comparison with Integrant.


New features

  • di/ns-publics registry middleware

Breaking changes

Explicit separation of components and services

Use {::di/kind :component} to mark a component.

A zero arity service are not a component of zero arity function now.

;; v2
(defn schema-component
  [{ddl `clickhouse/ddl
    ttl "TTL_DAY"
    :or {ttl "30"}}]
  (ddl ...))

;; v3
(defn schema-component
  {::di/kind :component}
  [{ddl `clickhouse/ddl
    ttl "TTL_DAY"
    :or {ttl "30"}}]
  (ddl ...))
;; v2
(defn my-service []
  (fn []

;; v3
(defn my-service []

Explicit separation of keys in di/update-key

Explicitly use (di/ref) or other factory to refer to a component.

;; v2
(di/update-key `reitit/route-data conj `raw-method/route-data)

;; v3
(di/update-key `reitit/route-data conj (di/ref `raw-method/route-data))
;; v2
(di/update-key `raw-method/methods #(assoc %1 param-name %2) method)))

;; v3
(di/update-key `raw-method/methods assoc param-name (di/ref method))))

di/derive instead of di/fmap

The di/fmap factory constructor was removed.

Use di/derive instead.

di/instument removing

The di/instument registry middleware was removed. Maybe there will be a rewrited version.


Fixing di/add-side-dependency


Fixing di/add-side-dependency

When root had eight dependencies a system with side depencency started up in the wrong order.


Starting many keys as a map

Now you can pass a map as the key argument to start many keys:

(t/deftest lookup-test
  (with-open [root (di/start {:a `a :b `b})]
    (let [{:keys [a b]} root]
      (t/is (= :a a))
      (t/is (= :b b)))))


Env parsing

With di/env-parsing middleware, you can add env parsers.

(defn jetty
  {::di/stop (memfn stop)}
  [{port    :env.long/PORT
    handler `handler
    :or  {port 8080}}]
  (jetty/run-jetty handler {:join? false
                            :port port}))

(di/start `jetty (di/env-parsing {:env.long parse-long}))


Multimethods as services

Now you can define a service with a multimethod:

(defmulti service
  {::di/deps [::x]}
  (fn [-deps kind] kind))


Starting many keys

Now you can pass a vector as the key argument to start many keys:

(with-open [root (di/start [`handler `helper])]
  (let [[handler helper] root]


Base version.


Don't use it. I forgot the details.

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