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A Clojure library that wraps Square's (persistent) queue-related Tape classes. For serialization, the library uses Cheshire's SMILE serialization.


Leiningen dependencies

Travis-CI build status

[org.clojars.ejschoen/clj-tape "0.4.0"]
(ns your.namespace
  (:require [clj-tape.core :as clj-tape]))

Make a queue

(def file-queue (clj-tape/make-queue "my-file-queue"))
(def in-memory-queue (clj-tape/make-object-queue))
(def persistent-queue (clj-tape/make-object-queue "my-queue-file"))

Tape provides file queues, which persist byte arrays, and object queues, which wrap file queues with a converter that serializes and deserializes objects to and from byte arrays. For Clojure, file queues and object queues offer the same capabilities. In clj-tape, serialization and deserialization use JSON SMILE, as implemented by Cheshire.

clj-tape defines a Converter protocol:

(defprotocol Converter
  (from [_ bytes] "Convert from byte array")
  (to [_ obj] "Convert to byte array"))

Custom serialization and deserialization is possible with file queues:

(defn make-a-queue
  {:pre [(satisfies? clj-tape/Converter my-converter)]}
  (clj-tape/make-queue "my-queue" my-converter))

Queue operations

(clj-tape/put! persistent-queue "Hello")
(= "Hello" (clj-tape/peek persistent-queue))
(= 1 (clj-tape/size persistent-queue))
(for [item (clj-tape/peek persistent-queue 10)] ...)
(clj-tape/remove! persistent-queue)
(clj-tape/remove! persistent-queue 10)
(clj-tape/is-empty? persistent-queue)
(clj-tape/clear! persistent-queue)
(clj-tape/close! persistent-queue)
(clj-tape/delete! pesistent-queue)

Blocking operations

Tape's queue's do not support blocking on peek or remove. For multi-threaded scenarios akin to Clojure's core.async channels, clj-tape supports a blocking wrapper that allows threads to wait for items to appear on the queue, while other threads generate items to place on the queue.

(ns your.namespace
  (:require [clj-tape core blocking]))
(def blocking-queue (clj-tape.blocking/make-blocking-queue
                      (clj-tape.core/make-queue "my-blocking-queue")
                      :timeout 100))
(future (Thread/sleep 1000) (clj-tape.core/put! blocking-queue "Hello"))
(is (= :timeout (clj-tape.core/take! blocking-queue 100 :timeout)))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(is (= "Hello" (clj-tape.core/peek blocking-queue)))
(clj-tape.core/remove! blocking-queue)
(future (Thread/sleep 10) (clj-tape.core/close! blocking-queue))
(is (thrown? Exception (clj-tape.core/peek blocking-queue)))

Multi-threaded readers and writers

Blocking queues can be used with multiple readers and writers. Use take! instead of peek and remove! to atomically take from a queue. take! can optionally time out, returning a designated timeout value, and returns nil when the queue is closed. Note that take! is only available with clj-tape's blocking queues.


Copyright © 2018 Eric Schoen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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