Short answers to common questions.
Source Control Management (SCM) info is information about where the source of your project is stored. cljdoc extracts this information from the pom.xml
that is uploaded to Clojars and usually generated by your build tool of choice. Below you can find some instructions on how to do so using Leiningen and Boot.
Leiningen: Add a :scm
key to your defproject
, see sample.project.clj. Usually that might just look like
:scm {:name "git" :url ""}
Boot: Pass the :scm
option to the pom
task, see example.
The resulting pom.xml
should look somewhat like this although the exact fields may vary:
Why do it?
Sure thing! cljdoc provides badges that will show the latest release version as well as an endpoint that redirects to it.
Using it in a Markdown file may look like this:
Sometimes you make adjustments to documentation after cutting a release. In these situations it would be nice to update the docs on cljdoc as well.
Now when cljdoc reads documentation from your Git repository it does not
simply read it from master
but instead tries to find a Git tag or a revision
in your project's .pom
. This means you can build documentation for older releases
and generally decouples the output of the build from the time it was done.
This also means that to update documentation you need to cut a new release (for now).
I'd like to support some way to update docs after a release but it needs to be explicit and hasn't been decided upon yet, see issue #31 for some additional discussion.
releases will use master
as Git revision as they usually have no tag
in your repo or sha in a .pom
. This can be useful for experimenting with cljdoc.
cljdoc has in many ways been inspired by but besides documenting Clojure itself, cljdoc tries to provide documentation for the library ecosystem around Clojure.
The projects are not related besides both pushing documentation in the Clojure ecosystem forward :hugs:
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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