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procedure.async provides async procedures for Clojure.


reg-pro is the core construct for defining async procedures, and it's like defining defn with an async feature. Let's see how it works with simple examples;

  (fn [{:keys [req]}]
    (println "Request: " req)
    {:user (get-user-by-username (-> req :query-params (get "username")))}))

What did we do so far?

  • Registered procedure with id :current-user
  • Defined the body
  • Fetched username from request, made the DB call to get the user object and returned it.

If we're going to validate procedures, we need to register a validation fn like the below;

;; This will be called one time.
  (fn [schema data]
    (or (m/validate schema data)
        (me/humanize (m/explain schema data)))))

Let's define the last procedure;

  {:data [:map
          [:category string?]]
   :response [:map
              [:songs (vector string?)]]}
  (fn [current-user {:keys [req data]}]
    (let [user-id (-> current-user :user :id)
          music-category (:category data)]
      {:songs (get-favorite-songs-by-user-id-and-music-category user-id music-category)})))
  • We required the :current-user procedure as a dependency inside a vector. (reg-pros can have multiple dependencies - it is like re-frame's reg-sub)
    • When all dependencies are realized, the procedure's body will be called.
    • Dependencies of a procedure run/realize asynchronously.
  • Defined a schema map for both the payload and the response for procedure validation. See the :data and :response keys.
  • Finally, returning the response with a list of songs fetched from the DB.

Example - Full example

Let's prepare our mock data - we assume they are like DB tables.

(def person-name->person-id {"Michael" 1
                             "Pam" 2
                             "Oscar" 3
                             "Dwight" 4})

(def song-id->title {22 "Tiny Dancer by Elton John"
                     33 "Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg"
                     44 "Everybody Hurts by REM"
                     55 "Mambo No. 5 by Lou Bega"
                     66 "Use It by The New Pornographers"
                     77 "Sing by Travis"
                     88 "Ring Around the Rosies - Sung"
                     99 "Here I Go Again by Whitesnake"})

(def person-id->favorite-song-ids
  {1 [22 33]
   2 [44 55]
   3 [66 77]
   4 [88 99]})

We need to define our websocket handler - (there is also an HTTP version)

(require '[procedure.async :refer [dispatch]])

(defn ws-handler [req]
  (-> (http/websocket-connection req)
      (fn [socket]
          (fn [payload]
            (dispatch (:pro payload) {:data (dissoc payload :pro)
                                      :req req
                                      :socket socket
                                      :send-fn (fn [socket result]
                                                 (s/put! socket result))}))

Here, we're going to define our reg-pros (You can find the full example here);

(ns favorite-songs.common
  (:require #?@(:cljs [[re-frame.core :refer [subscribe]]
                       [ :refer [dispatch-pro]]
                :clj  [[procedure.async :refer [reg-pro register-validation-fn!]]
                       [malli.core :as m]
                       [malli.error :as me]])))

       (fn [schema data]
         (or (m/validate schema data)
             (me/humanize (m/explain schema data)))))

       (fn [_]
         (println "Fetching person-name->person-id table...")
         (Thread/sleep 10)

       (fn [_]
         (println "Fetching person-name->person-id table...")
         (Thread/sleep 30)

       (fn [_]
         (println "Fetching person-id->favorite-song-ids table...")
         (Thread/sleep 100)

       {:data [:map
               [:data string?]]
        :response [:map
                   [:songs [:vector string?]]]}
       (fn [[person-name->person-id-table
             {:keys [req socket data]}]]
         (println "Payload is: " data)
         (let [person-name (:data data)
               person-id (get person-name->person-id-table person-name)
               liked-songs-ids (get person-id->favorite-song-ids-table person-id)]
           {:songs (mapv #(get song-id->title-table %) liked-songs-ids)})))))

   (defn favorite-songs []
      [:span "Please select a person: "]
       {:on-change #(dispatch-pro [:get-favorite-songs-by-person (.-value (.-target %))])}
       [:option {:value "Michael"} "Michael"]
       [:option {:value "Pam"} "Pam"]
       [:option {:value "Oscar"} "Oscar"]
       [:option {:value "Dwight"} "Dwight"]]
      [:span "Favorite songs: " @(subscribe [:favorite-songs])]]))

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