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Nicknames and package shorthands that might actually work.

Born of half a week of having to deal with multiple Java classes with the same package but a different name, and of half an evening of spare time (the 80% of it, that is).

Never worry about that again! With only a bit of flagrant violation of Clojure's reserved symbols rules you too can experience the joy of nicknames for classes and shorthands for packages that work (almost) everywhere! If you aren't feeling adventurous or you just want your subforms to still make sense in isolation, there also is a reader macro to apply to single symbols that sadly makes the name of this library meaningless.

By default, the reader-macros #+! and #-! are bound respectively to read-shortened and read-shortened-sym, but a readerless version is also available that lets you define your own instead.



(shorthands '{j.u java.util clj clojure.lang})

;; recursive reader (interacts safely with itself)
(defn foo
  (condp instance? self
    ..clj.IPersistentMap :pmap
    #+! ..j.u.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap :concurrent-hash-map
    ..j.u.Map :map))

;; single symbol reader with no `..` requirement (interacts safely with recursive reader)
;; also, note how `#+!` also works on metadata.
(def coll->array-list #+! ^[..j.u.Collection] #-! j.u.ArrayList/new)


A very experimental and rudimentary nrepl integration is provided by requiring org.clojars.evenmoreirrelevance.doubledot.nrepl.


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