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Read files with headers log.

Read files with headers log.
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(copy-files src-dir dst-dir filters verbose options)

Copy files from src-dir to dst-dir applying the filters.

Copy files from `src-dir` to `dst-dir` applying the `filters`.
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(create-sym-link path target base-dir)

Creates a sym link called target toward path.

The link will be stored relatively to base-dir

Creates a sym link called `target` toward `path`.

The link will be stored relatively to `base-dir`
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(invalid-project-name-message monorepo-project-map)

Print the error message to tell the specified project was wrong.

Print the error message to tell the specified project was wrong.
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(print-edn-errors {:keys [raw-content] :as file-desc})

Print errors for an edn file not being loaded.

Returns true if an error is found.

Print errors for an edn file not being loaded.

Returns true if an error is found.
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(print-file-errors {:keys [invalid? filename exception] :as _file-desc})

Print errors for a text file not being loaded.

Returns true if an error is found.

Print errors for a text file not being loaded.

Returns true if an error is found.
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(project-config app-dir)

Returns the project configuration in app-dir.

Returns the project configuration in `app-dir`.
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(read-edn-file filename)

Read an edn file and prints error if it is not loaded properly.

Read an edn file and prints error if it is not loaded properly.
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(read-file filename)

Read a file and prints error if it is not loaded properly.

Read a file and prints error if it is not loaded properly.
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(search-files root-dir filters)
(search-files root-dir filters options)

Search files in root-dir

Search files in `root-dir`
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