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Version of the current codebase

  • Version is based on a root project file named version.edn. Strengths:
  • One source of truth for version.
  • Change of version in a PR is more straightforward to notice
  • Flexibility (We don't decide on versioning strategy, we just have file that is point of reference to what version you are on.) Constraints:
  • Keeping up with updates for version files (although with automated tooling we have, it is not that big of a deal currently)

Previous design:

  • major version has to be changed in the major-version in build_config.edn (many sources of truth and build_config shouldn't be a place that is used as variable that change often)
  • counting commits from a branch to base a minor version on it (Many edgecases where commits don't match the version, initial commits, PRs having more than one commit...)
Version of the current codebase

* Version is based on a root project file named `version.edn`.
* One source of truth for version.
* Change of version in a PR is more straightforward to notice
* Flexibility (We don't decide on versioning strategy, we just have file that is point of reference to what version you are on.)
 * Keeping up with updates for version files (although with automated tooling we have, it is not that big of a deal currently)

Previous design:
* major version has to be changed in the major-version in `build_config.edn` (many sources of truth and build_config shouldn't be a place that is used as variable that change often)
* counting commits from a branch to base a minor version on it (Many edgecases where commits don't match the version, initial commits, PRs having more than one commit...)
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(add-optional-qualifier version qualifier)



Asks user to input version manually

Asks user to input version manually
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(ask-version project-name current-version)
(ask-version project-name current-version changes)

Asks user what should be a new version following the non-breaking version system

Asks user what should be a new version following the non-breaking version system
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(current-version app-dir)


(generate-new-version current-version app-name changes)


(save-version app-dir new-version)

Update app version file version.edn in app-dir. Captures requirement for the version to be consciously decided when saved Params:

  • app-dir directory of the version to count
  • new-version
Update app version file `version.edn` in `app-dir`. Captures requirement for the version to be consciously decided when saved
* `app-dir` directory of the version to count
* `new-version`
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(split-optional-qualifier version)

Removes optional qualifier. (Semantic versioning: <major>.<minor>.<non-breaking>[-optional-qualifier]) So e.g. 0.0.20-SNAPSHOT -> 0.0.20

Removes optional qualifier. (Semantic versioning: <major>.<minor>.<non-breaking>[-optional-qualifier])
So e.g. `0.0.20-SNAPSHOT` -> `0.0.20`
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(version-file dir)

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