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Functions manipulating set of numbers for probalistic analyzis.

Some functions are inspired from and optimization tips about

Functions manipulating set of numbers for probalistic analyzis.

Some functions are inspired from ``.
and optimization tips about ``.
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(average coll)

Compute the average of the collection coll.

Execution time mean : 86.310310 µs, std-dev 546.868164 ns.

Compute the average of the collection `coll`.

Execution time mean : 86.310310 µs, std-dev 546.868164 ns.
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(erf x)

erf polynomial approximation of x. Maximum error is 1.5e-7. Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. Milton Abramowitz (Editor), Irene A. Stegun (Editor), 7.1.26

erf polynomial approximation of `x`.  Maximum error is `1.5e-7.`
Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. Milton Abramowitz (Editor), Irene A. Stegun (Editor), 7.1.26
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(median coll)

Returns the median of the collection coll.

Returns the median of the collection `coll`.
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(midrange coll)

Find the midrange of the collection coll.

Find the midrange of the collection `coll`.
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(midrange-double coll)

Find the midrange of the collection coll.

Find the midrange of the collection `coll`.
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(midrange-long coll)

Find the midrange of the collection coll.

Find the midrange of the collection `coll`.
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(standard-deviation coll)

Returns the standard deviation of the collection coll.

Returns the standard deviation of the collection `coll`.
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(variance coll)

Variance of a collection coll.

Execution time mean : 76.108405 µs, std-dev = 1.321352 ns

Variance of a collection `coll`.

Execution time mean : 76.108405 µs, std-dev = 1.321352 ns
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