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Is a response of an handler. It contains:

  • stop
  • scheduler-snapshot.
Is a response of an handler.
It contains:
* `stop`
* `scheduler-snapshot`.
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(add-current-event response current-event)

Adds current event to stop reasons.

Adds current event to stop reasons.
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(add-stop response m)

Add map m among stop causes.

Add map `m` among stop causes.
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(build stop snapshot)

Creates a response with the stop ans snapshot.

Creates a response with the `stop` ans `snapshot`.
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(prepare previous-snapshot stop)

Prepares a response based on the snapshot before the iteration

Returns a response containing the next snapshot and the stop coming from the request. A stop condition is added if the next-snapshot happens before the current previous-snapshot.

Prepares a response based on the snapshot before the iteration

Returns a response containing the next snapshot and the stop coming from the request.
A stop condition is added if the `next-snapshot` happens before the current `previous-snapshot`.
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