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Ordered list of middlewares.

Ordered list of middlewares.

* [See entity](docs/archi/middlewares_entity.png)
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(concat-supp-middlewares middlewares supp-middlewares)

Adds supp-middlewares in middlewares where ::sim-engine/supp-middlewares-insert stands.

Adds `supp-middlewares` in `middlewares` where `::sim-engine/supp-middlewares-insert` stands.
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(validate middlewares)


(wrap-handler handler middlewares)

Wrap the handler with the middlewares. Returns the handler value wrapped in all the middlewares.

Note that an handler is understood as a function taking a request and returning a response.

Wrap the `handler` with the middlewares.
Returns the handler value wrapped in all the middlewares.

Note that an handler is understood as a function taking a `request` and returning a `response`.
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