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Transformation contains useful functions for rendering

Transformation contains useful functions for rendering
* [See transformation big-picture](docs/archi/transformation/transformation_big_picture.png)
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(keep-events pred-fn events)

Keep in coll of simulation events only those that match with pred-fn

Keep in coll of simulation `events` only those that match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot pred-fn snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot ALL events and state-items that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out of `snapshot` ALL events and state-items that do not match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-entity pred-fn snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot ALL events and state-entity-items that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out of `snapshot` ALL events and state-entity-items that do not match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-events pred-fn snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot ALL events that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out of `snapshot` ALL events that do not match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-events-based-state pred-fn snapshot)
(keep-snapshot-events-based-state pred-fn id snapshot)
(keep-snapshot-events-based-state get-state-keys-fn keep-state-fn id snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot ALL state-items that do not match with pred-fn and filter out all events that do not mention those state-items ids

Filter out of `snapshot` ALL state-items that do not match with `pred-fn` and filter out all events that do not mention those state-items ids
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(keep-snapshot-events-based-state-entity pred-fn snapshot)
(keep-snapshot-events-based-state-entity pred-fn id snapshot)

Keeps in snapshot state only those entities that match with pred-fn and filters events that contains those resources ids

Keeps in snapshot `state` only those entities that match with `pred-fn` and filters events that contains those resources ids
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(keep-snapshot-events-based-state-resource pred-fn snapshot)
(keep-snapshot-events-based-state-resource pred-fn id snapshot)

Keeps in snapshot state only those resources that match with pred-fn and filters events that contains those resources ids

Keeps in snapshot `state` only those resources that match with `pred-fn` and filters events that contains those resources ids
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(keep-snapshot-future-events pred-fn snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot future events all events that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out of `snapshot` future events all events that do not match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-past-events pred-fn snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot past events all events that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out of `snapshot` past events all events that do not match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-resource pred-fn snapshot)

Keeps in snapshot state only those resources that match with pred-fn and filters events with the same pred-fn

Keeps in snapshot `state` only those resources that match with `pred-fn` and filters events with the same `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-state pred-fn snapshot)
(keep-snapshot-state keep-state-fn pred-fn snapshot)

Filter out of snapshot state all items that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out of `snapshot` state all items that do not match with `pred-fn` 
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(keep-snapshot-state-entity pred-fn snapshot)

Keeps in simulation snapshot state only those entities that match with pred-fn

Keeps in simulation `snapshot` state only those entities that match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshot-state-resource pred-fn snapshot)

Keeps in simulation snapshot state only those resources that match with pred-fn

Keeps in simulation snapshot `state` only those resources that match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-snapshots-state pred-fn snapshots)

Expects sorted collection of snapshots, keeps only those that have difference between each other in filtered by pred-fn state

Expects sorted collection of `snapshots`, keeps only those that have difference between each other in filtered by `pred-fn` state
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(keep-state pred-fn state)

Keeps in simulation state only pairs that match with pred-fn

Keeps in simulation `state` only pairs that match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-state-entity pred-fn state)

Keeps in simulation state only those entities that match with pred-fn

Keeps in simulation `state` only those entities that match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-state-resource pred-fn state)

Keeps in simulation state only those resources that match with pred-fn

Keeps in simulation `state` only those resources that match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-stopping-causes pred-fn stopping-causes)

Filter out all stopping-causes that do not match with pred-fn

Filter out all stopping-causes that do not match with `pred-fn`
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(keep-stopping-causes-by-model-end pred-fn stopping-causes)

Keep all stopping-causes that model end is matching pred-fn

Keep all `stopping-causes` that model end is matching `pred-fn`
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(keep-stopping-causes-by-stopping-definition pred-fn stopping-causes)

Keep all stopping-causes that stopping definitiois matchingpred-fn`

Keep all `stopping-causes` that stopping definitio` is matching `pred-fn`
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