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Finds files based on glob patterns like "*.jpg" or "/usr/*/se*". Similar to glob in Perl, Ruby, and PHP.


(use 'org.satta.glob))

(glob "*.{jpg,gif}")
=> (#<File cat.jpg> #<File dog.gif>)

(glob "*.{jpg,gif}" :s)  ; return string of path by adding :s option
=> ("cat.jpg" "dog.gif")

(glob "*.JPG" :i)  ; ignore case.
=> (#<File cat.jpg>)

(glob ".*")  ; dot files are not included by default
=> (#<File .git> #<File .gitignore>)

(glob "*g*" :a)  ; dot files are included by adding :a option
=> (#<File .git> #<File .gitignore>)

(glob "/usr/*/se*")  ; works on directories and subdirectories
=> (#<File /usr/bin/security> #<File /usr/bin/sed> ...)

(glob "**/*clj")  ; zsh's ** recursive search can be used.
=> (#<File project.clj> #<File src/org/satta/glob.clj> #<File test/org/satta/glob_test.clj>)

(glob "c:/Windows/*/*.dll")  ; works on Windows


  • Use slashes in glob pattern, the syntax is the same on Windows as *nix


Add this dependency to your project.clj:

[org.clojars.hozumi/clj-glob "0.1.2"]



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Takahiro Hodumi, Justin Kramer, Takahiro Hozumi & Qertoip
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