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Mostly helpers for producing markup or munging HTML

Mostly helpers for producing markup or munging HTML
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(b64->plantuml in)

Converts a string or array of chars/bytes from base64 to plantuml base64

Converts a string or array of chars/bytes from base64 to plantuml base64
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(base64 string)

Encode string into base64

Encode string into base64
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(default m k v)

If k is not set in m, set it to v.

If `k` is not set in `m`, set it to `v`.
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(default-in m path v)

If path has no value set in nested data structure m, sets it to v.

If `path` has no value set in nested data structure `m`, sets it to `v`.
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(encoded-variants v)

For a given candidate value, get a collection of expected strings that value may be encoded as

For a given candidate value, get a collection of expected strings that value
may be encoded as
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(generous-decode candidates s)

Takes a (potentially URL-encoded) string and a collection of possible options to decode to, such as keywords, strings, symbols, and numbers, and returns the option the string decodes to, when possible

Takes a (potentially URL-encoded) string and a collection of possible
options to decode to, such as keywords, strings, symbols, and numbers, and
returns the option the string decodes to, when possible
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(generous-decoder candidates)

Get a map of str-value->[candidate-1, ...] for a collection of candidates

Get a map of str-value->[candidate-1, ...] for a collection of candidates
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(intersect-maps m)
(intersect-maps m1 m2)
(intersect-maps m1 m2 & maps)

Returns a map that contains only those entries that are present in every map provided.

Returns a map that contains only those entries that are present in every
map provided.
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(label spec)

When appropriate, get a best-guess label for a spec. Assumes :name is set correctly.

When appropriate, get a best-guess label for a spec. Assumes :name is set
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(label* this)

Get a String label for an object, or nil

Get a String label for an object, or nil


(path->label path)

Takes a path to a field in a nested data structure and attempts to produce a human-readable label. Drops first item in path as it will be the data node

Takes a path to a field in a nested data structure and attempts to produce
a human-readable label. Drops first item in path as it will be the data node
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(path->name path)

Takes a path to a field in a nested data structure and produces a suitable HTML input name

Takes a path to a field in a nested data structure and produces a suitable
HTML input name
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(pathwalk outer form)
(pathwalk inner outer form)
(pathwalk inner outer form path)

Walks form with outer and optional inner function. Calls (inner form path), then recursively walks result, then yields(outer result path)`

Walks form with outer and optional inner function.
Calls `(inner form path), then recursively walks result, then yields `(outer result path)`
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(pathwalk* form inner outer path-to-form)

Replace subforms of form with (pathwalk inner outer subform path-to-subform), where path-to-subform is built from path-to-form

Replace subforms of form with (pathwalk inner outer subform path-to-subform),
where path-to-subform is built from path-to-form


(props->attrs {:keys [attributes required selected value] :as spec})

Convert field spec from a schema into an attribute map for an input

Convert field spec from a schema into an attribute map for an input
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(unqualify kw)

:some/kw -> :kw

:some/kw -> :kw
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(update-in* m ks f & args)

Like clojure.core/update-in, but works with sets as well

Like clojure.core/update-in, but works with sets as well
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(url-decode s)

URL-decode a string

URL-decode a string
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(url-encode s)

URL-encode a string, including .

URL-encode a string, including .
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(value->label v)

Process a value into a form label

Process a value into a form label
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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