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A Clojure library designed to run your Clojure code in compile time, when the app starts.


Sometimes you need to run some code in compile time, for example load some data, or read last GIT commit info. Exactly for this puprose this library was designed.


Suppose you have function that reads last commit info:

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [clj-jgit.porcelain :as git]))

(defn current-commit
  "Get GIT commit info"
  (let [repo        (git/load-repo (.getAbsolutePath ( "")))
        commit-data (first (git/git-log repo :max-count 1))]
    {:commit {:id     (.getName (:id commit-data))
              :date   (-> commit-data :committer :date)
              :author (-> commit-data :committer :name)
              :msg    (:msg commit-data)}}))

And you want run this function when jar is builting, so .git is available, and set this data to a variable, to be able to use it later in runtime.

So you need to require the lib and declare this data:

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [clj-jgit.porcelain :as git]
            [compile-time.core :ad ct]))

;; (defn current-commit ... )

;; declare data with run-fn
(def commit-info (ct/run-fn current-commit))

;; or you can use run-body
(def commit-info-2 (ct/run-body (current-commit)))


ilevd © 2022

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