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A Clojure clojurescript library that implement om/react widgets.

Clojars Project


We use lein-figwheel, just run:

lein figwheel basic

inside the repo and this will start a webserver serving the sample files, point your browser to: http://localhost:3449/examples/basic/index.html and you are ready to go.


Copyright © 2014 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


####Simple control usage

(ns example
  (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
            [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
            [schema.core :as s]
            [om-widgets.core :as widgets]))

(def app-state (atom {:text #inst "2012-06-01" :current-item {}}))

  (fn [app owner]
    (reify om/IRender
      (render [_]
        (dom/div nil
          (widgets/install-modal-box! owner)
          (dom/h1 nil (str (:text app)))
          (widgets/textinput app :text :input-format "date")


(ns om-widgets-tests.screen
  (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
            [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
            [schema.core :as s]
            [om-widgets.core :as widgets]
            [om-widgets.forms :as f :include-macros true]))

(def Rules
  {:name (s/pred #(not (empty? %)) 'RequiredName)})

(def Messages
  {:name "The name is required"})

  (fn [app owner]
      (init-state [_]
      {:errors {}})

      (render-state [_ {:keys [errors ] :as state}]

        (f/form app owner {:title "Test form"
                           :subtitle "People"
                           :errors (or errors {})

                           :validation {:messages Messages
                                        :rules Rules}}

          (f/field :name {:type :text :label "Name:" :required true })
          (f/field :birth-date {:type :text :label "Birth date:" :required true :input-format "date"})
          (f/field :nationality {:type :combo
                                 :label "Nationality:"
                                 :required true
                                 :options (sorted-map :nationality/legal "Legal"
                                                      :nationality/natural "Natural"
                                                      :nationality/permanent "Residencia permanente")})
          (f/section "Address")

            (f/column 4
              (f/field :street {:type :text :label "Street" }))
            (f/column 2
              (f/field :number {:type :text :label "Number" }))
            (f/column 2
              (f/field :apartment {:type :text :label "Apartment"  })))

          (f/button :btn-save { :icon :save
                                :text "Save"
                                :on-valid (fn [e])})))))
  {:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Sebastián Moreno & fapenia
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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