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A Clojure library designed to generate CSS using hiccup-like data structures with focus on simplicity.

The library is very new, but I will try to update it depending on how my time works out.

The Tornado library is not designed to work in ClojureScript.


Clojars Project


A hot-code reloading plugin for automatic compilation of Tornado stylesheets:

Clojars Project

If you are familiar with garden, you should not have any problems with switching to Tornado.

Require a namespace tornado.core, where you have available everything useful in this library. Define some example CSS like below and run it with a function "repl-css":

(require '[tornado.core :refer :all])
=> nil

(def styles
  [:#some-id {:width            (px 15)
              :color            :font-black
              :background-color (rgb 100 150 200)}])
=> #'user/styles

(repl-css styles)

#some-id {
    width: 15px;
    color: #1A1B1F;
    background-color: rgb(100, 150, 200);

=> nil

For compiling and saving the stylesheet, there is a function tornado.compiler/css, also referred in tornado.core:

;; First, you have to ensure that the path "resources/css" exists. This will be solved later.
;; In the plugin Lein-tornado, this is not a problem anymore, the library creates the folders for you.
(css {:output-to "resources/css/example.css"} styles)
=> nil

There is not any better compilation management yet, but there will be soon.

The complete documentation with examples will be under this link:

Plans for the future

Since this library already has a lot of features, but it is not too practical for a project where you should recompile the hiccup every few seconds, I will soon be working on a hot-code reloading plugin, similar to lein-garden. More detailed and better documentations are coming later. Everything takes time, especially when I want the documentations and the whole library to be simple, clear, flexible and comfortable.


Although there are more ways to contact me, you can send me an e-mail to suran (dot) orgpad (at) gmail (dot) com. I will always try to reply as soon as possible. I am also on discord: Honza_Suran#6703


Copyright © 2021 Jan Šuráň

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License

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