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Everything related to colors: Mixing, color function such as rgb(a), hsl(a), color conversions, a map of available default colors, special function for modifying colors.

Everything related to colors: Mixing, color function such as rgb(a), hsl(a), color
conversions, a map of available default colors, special function for modifying colors.
raw docstring


(->hsl {:keys [type] :as color})

Converts a color to hsl.

Converts a color to hsl.
sourceraw docstring


(->hsl?a color)

Converts a color to hsl/hsla, depending on whether the current form has an alpha value.

Converts a color to hsl/hsla, depending on whether the current
form has an alpha value.
sourceraw docstring


(->hsla {:keys [type] :as color})

Converts a color to hsla.

Converts a color to hsla.
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(->rgb {:keys [type] :as color})

Converts a color to rgb.

Converts a color to rgb.
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(->rgba {:keys [type] :as color})

Converts a color to rgba.

Converts a color to rgba.
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(-mix-colors color-type colors)

Calls a relevant function to compute the average of more colors. Presumes that the colors are converted to the same type by a function 'mix-colors'

Calls a relevant function to compute the average of more colors. Presumes that
the colors are converted to the same type by a function 'mix-colors'
sourceraw docstring


(alpha-hex? x)


(color type value)


(color->1-word color)

Assumes that clojure.core/name can be cast to the argument. Transforms all 3 versions (string, symbol, keyword) to a keyword with removed dashes (e.g. 'dark-red -> :darkred).

Assumes that clojure.core/name can be cast to the argument. Transforms all 3 versions
(string, symbol, keyword) to a keyword with removed dashes (e.g. 'dark-red -> :darkred).
sourceraw docstring


(color? x)




(darken color value)

Same as (lighten color value), but the value is subtracted instead.

Same as (lighten color value), but the value is subtracted instead.
sourceraw docstring


Available default colors in tornado. Usage: {:color :black :background-color :crimson :border [[(u/px 1) :solid :yellow-green]]} etc. Tornado does the hex-code translation for you. Also, you can use both e.g. :yellow-green and :yellowgreen (or in string and symbol-forms, respectively), it all compiles to the same color.

Available default colors in tornado.
Usage: {:color            :black
        :background-color :crimson
        :border           [[(u/px 1) :solid :yellow-green]]}   etc.
Tornado does the hex-code translation for you.
Also, you can use both e.g. :yellow-green and :yellowgreen (or in string and
symbol-forms, respectively), it all compiles to the same color.
sourceraw docstring


(desaturate color value)

Same as (saturate color value), but the value is subtracted instead.

Same as (saturate color value), but the value is subtracted instead.
sourceraw docstring


(get-color-type color)

Returns the type of the given color, either :type of a CSSColor record or the argument's class. If the class cannot represent a CSS color, throws an exception.

Returns the type of the given color, either :type of a CSSColor record or the
argument's class. If the class cannot represent a CSS color, throws an exception.
sourceraw docstring


(has-alpha? color)

Returns true if the color has an alpha parameter.

Returns true if the color has an alpha parameter.
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(hex->rgba color)
(hex->rgba color alpha)

Converts a color in hexadecimal string to an rgba color:

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f") => #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red 32 :green 255, :blue 63 :alpha 1}}

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f" 0.3) => #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red 32 :green 255, :blue 63 :alpha 0.3}}

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f3f") => #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red 32 :green 255 :blue 63 :alpha 0.24609375}}

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f" "20 %") => #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red 32 :green 255 :blue 63 :alpha 0.2}}

As you can see, this conversion is not case-sensitive. Do not use tornado.units/percent as the second argument!

Converts a color in hexadecimal string to an rgba color:

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f")
=> #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red   32
                                                 :green 255,
                                                 :blue  63
                                                 :alpha 1}}

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f" 0.3)
=> #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red   32
                                                 :green 255,
                                                 :blue  63
                                                 :alpha 0.3}}

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f3f")
=> #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red   32
                                                 :green 255
                                                 :blue  63
                                                 :alpha 0.24609375}}

(hex->rgba "#20FF3f" "20 %")
=> #tornado.types.CSSColor{:type "rgba", :value {:red   32
                                                 :green 255
                                                 :blue  63
                                                 :alpha 0.2}}

As you can see, this conversion is not case-sensitive.
Do not use tornado.units/percent as the second argument!
sourceraw docstring


(hex? x)


(hsl [hue saturation lightness])
(hsl hue saturation lightness)

Creates an hsl CSSColor record.

Creates an hsl CSSColor record.
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(hsl->hsla {:keys [value]})

Hsl with alpha 1.

Hsl with alpha 1.
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(hsl->rgb {:keys [value] :as hsl-color})
Hsl -> rgb, hsla -> rgba.
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(hsl? x)


(hsla [hue saturation lightness alpha])
(hsla hue saturation lightness)
(hsla hue saturation lightness alpha)

Creates an hsla CSSColor record.

Creates an hsla CSSColor record.
sourceraw docstring


(hsla? x)


(lighten color value)

Lightens a color by a given value: 0.15, (percent 15), "15%" work the same way.

Lightens a color by a given value: 0.15, (percent 15), "15%" work the same way.
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(maybe-without-alpha color)

If the color's alpha is 1, returns the same color without the alpha value.

If the color's alpha is 1, returns the same color without the alpha value.
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(mix-colors color)
(mix-colors color1 & more)

Given any number of colors in any form (alpha-hex, non-alpha-hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla), converts them to the most frequent type and mixes them.

Given any number of colors in any form (alpha-hex, non-alpha-hex, rgb, rgba,
hsl, hsla), converts them to the most frequent type and mixes them.
sourceraw docstring


(named-color? x)

Returns true if the given color is in the name form and if it is contained in the default colors (e.g. :crimson, "dark-orchid", 'chocolate).

Returns true if the given color is in the name form and if it is contained in the
default colors (e.g. :crimson, "dark-orchid", 'chocolate).
sourceraw docstring


(non-alpha-hex? x)


(opacify color value)

Opacifies a color by a given value: 0.15, (percent 15), "15%" work the same way.

Opacifies a color by a given value: 0.15, (percent 15), "15%" work the same way.
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(opposite-hue color)

Rotates a color's hue by 180°.

Rotates a color's hue by 180°.
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(rgb [red green blue])
(rgb red green blue)

Creates an rgb CSSColor record.

Creates an rgb CSSColor record.
sourceraw docstring


(rgb->hex {:keys [type value] :as color})

Converts an rgb/rgba CSSColor record to a hex-string. Rounds the hex-alpha of the color if the color is in rgba format.

Converts an rgb/rgba CSSColor record to a hex-string. Rounds the hex-alpha of
the color if the color is in rgba format.
sourceraw docstring


(rgb->hsl {:keys [value] :as rgb-color})
Rgb to hsl, rgba to hsla.
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(rgb->rgba {:keys [value]})

Rgb with alpha 1.

Rgb with alpha 1.
sourceraw docstring


(rgb? x)


(rgba [red green blue alpha])
(rgba red green blue)
(rgba red green blue alpha)

Creates an rgba CSSColor record.

Creates an rgba CSSColor record.
sourceraw docstring


(rgba->rgb {:keys [value]})

Used for converting rgba to rgb since #'hex->rgba always returns rgba. Sometimes we might want and rgb color from that.

Used for converting rgba to rgb since #'hex->rgba always returns rgba.
Sometimes we might want and rgb color from that.
sourceraw docstring


(rgba? x)


(rotate-hue color angle)

Rotates hue of a color by a given angle in degrees for any color type, e.g. (rotate-hue "#00ff00" 90)

Rotates hue of a color by a given angle in degrees for any color type,
e.g. (rotate-hue "#00ff00" 90)
sourceraw docstring


(saturate color value)

Saturates a color by a given value: 0.15, (percent 15), "15%" work the same way.

Saturates a color by a given value: 0.15, (percent 15), "15%" work the same way.
sourceraw docstring


(scale-alpha color value)

Multiplies a color's alpha by a given value.

Multiplies a color's alpha by a given value. 
sourceraw docstring


(scale-lightness color value)

Multiplies a color's lightness by a given value.

Multiplies a color's lightness by a given value. 
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(scale-saturation color value)

Multiplies a color's saturation by a given value.

Multiplies a color's saturation by a given value. 
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(transparentize color value)

Same as (opacify color value), but the value is subtracted instead.

Same as (opacify color value), but the value is subtracted instead.
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(triad-next color)

Rotates a color's hue by 120°.

Rotates a color's hue by 120°.
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(triad-previous color)

Rotates a color's hue by 240°.

Rotates a color's hue by 240°.
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(with-alpha color alpha)

Given a color, sets its alpha to a given value.

Given a color, sets its alpha to a given value.
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(with-alpha-param color)

Returns the color with alpha = 1 if it does not have an alpha value already. Hex or named color gets converted to rgba.

Returns the color with alpha = 1 if it does not have an alpha value already.
Hex or named color gets converted to rgba.
sourceraw docstring


(with-hue color hue)

Given a color, transforms it into HSL and sets its hue to a given value.

Given a color, transforms it into HSL and sets its hue to a given value.
sourceraw docstring


(with-lightness color lightness)

Given a color, transforms it into HSL and sets its saturation to a given value.

Given a color, transforms it into HSL and sets its saturation to a given value.
sourceraw docstring


(with-saturation color saturation)

Given a color, transforms it into HSL and sets its saturation to a given value.

Given a color, transforms it into HSL and sets its saturation to a given value.
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