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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of For releases before version [1.0.0] this project did not follow semver.
For releases after version 1.0.0 this project will follow semver, with the addition that minor releases might only add additional tests and/or documentation updates rather than bug fixes.

[13.0.5] - 2025-03-12

Bumped versions of various dependencies.

[13.0.4] - 2023-12-26

This releases gets working support for GPU backed emd calculations up to <256 categories. It supports dataset sizes that other k means implementations I've tried fail to support. It is also faster than most other k means implementations I've tried in part because it uses a better algorithm than k-means++.

However, if you aren't on the happy path of EMD and k-means-afk this release probably breaks everything.

[1.0.0] - 2022-12-04

This release improves the usability of loading and saving clustered models. It is potentially backward incompatible with previous releases because it changes the returned output of the cluster result record.


  • ClusterResult now provides an :assignments field which is a filepath to an assignments dataset.
  • ClusterResult now provides a .load-centroids method.


  • ClusterResult now has a filepath rather than a under the :centroids key.
  • ClusterResult :configuration field now contains a map rather than the full clustering state record.
    This map contains the following configuration fields: :k, :m, :distance-key, :init and :col-names.
  • ClusterResult .load-assignments now returns a sequence of sequences.
  • The ClusterResult classify method now supports dynamic dispatch. When given a vector it will assume that vector has fields in :col-name ordering. When given a map, it will extract fields in :col-name ordering before calling classify.


  • The load-model function would fail to load persisted cluster results from disk because when printed to a file the output of a dataset would have pretty printing which conflicted with the reader syntax.
  • Calling .load-assignments on a massive cluster result should no longer triggers out of memory issues.


  • Unit testing added for .save-model.
  • Unit testing added for load-model.
  • Unit testing added for .classify.
  • Unit testing added for .load-assignments.
  • Unit testing added for .load-centroids.
  • Unit testing added for the ClusterResult :configuration field validity.

[0.3.4] - 2022-12-03


  • Expands unit test coverage.
  • Fixes a bug which could cause keywords in datasets to trigger clustering failures.

[0.3.4] - 2022-12-03


  • Fixes a bug which could cause incorrect assignment of points to clusters.
  • Expands unit test coverage.

[0.3.1] - 2022-11-28


  • Added support for saving and loading learned models.
  • Assignments when calling k-means-seq no longer overwrite each other.
  • Add .load-assignments and .classify to ClusterResult.


  • Updated documentation to reflect usage.
  • Improved ease of use - defaults for chain length chosen automatically when not provided.
  • Expanded test coverage with generative testing.

[0.1.5] - 2022-06-08


  • Now support the mc^2 initialization method.
  • Now support the afk mc^2 initialization method.

[0.1.4] - 2022-05-28


  • k-means can now be called with an option to specify which distance function to use.
  • k-means now supports many different distance functions.


  • Default calling convention now runs multiple instances of k means clustering.

[0.1.3] - 2022-05-25


  • Now supporting initialization via k-means++.
  • Now supporting initialization via k-means||.
  • Now supporting initialization via k-means||.
  • Now supporting initialization via naive uniform sampling.
  • k-means can now be called with options to determine the initialization method.
  • Now supporting parquet format.
  • Now supporting arrow format.
  • Now supporting arrows format.
  • Added logs to help make progress of computations more obvious.
  • Added the initialize-centroids multimethod; choice of initialization method can now be controlled by callers via multimethods.
  • Now support calling k-means with lazyseqs which are ->dataset compatible.
  • k-means can now be called with options to determine preferred file format.

[0.1.2] - 2022-05-09


  • Fixed an issue with processing large datasets by moving from arrow files to arrows IPC format.


  • Rebranded from clj-kmeans to josh.meanings, because I like the name meanings but figure I should namespace it.

[0.1.1] - 2022-05-06


  • Dramatically improved performance on large datasets accomplished by switching from buffered csv reading to optimized usage.

[0.1.0] - 2022-05-01


  • Initial project created with support for k-means clustering on larger than memory datasets.
  • Only configuration provided is choice of k. Distance function used is earth mover distance.

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Joshua & Joshua Cole
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