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Utilities for assisting with chess games and position data.

This was initially motivated by an interest in transforming a chess diagram (without access to other data other than the side to move, as in a typical chess puzzle) into something that can be fed into a chess engine.

Assembling a position/game in the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) syntax or worse, the Portable Game Notation (PGN), can be extremely tedious and error prone, something utilities here are intended to help with.


From a diagram position, one can enter pieces and occupied squares into the chessica.formats.fen/populate function like so:

(populate [["rbnnk" "a8 c8 b7 b6 h6"]
           [:p "g7 a6 c5 b4 h4"]
           [:P "a2 b3 c4 d5 e3 g2"]
           ["NNRK" "e7 e4 f1 g1"]]
          "w - - 0 40")
;;=> "r1b5/1n2N1p1/pn5k/2pP4/1pP1N2p/1P2P3/P5P1/5RK1 w - - 0 40"


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