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(consumer! {:keys [topic properties duration] :or {duration 100}})

Receives a map of a topic and the japa properties. Returns a channel that will be populated as a message is received in the kafka poll in a different thread.

Receives a map of a topic and the japa properties.
Returns a channel that will be populated as a message is received in the kafka poll in a different thread.
sourceraw docstring


(producer! {:keys [topic properties flush?] :or {flush? true}})

Receives a map of a topic and the japa properties. Returns a channel that will be consumed and sent each individual message to kafka in a different thread.

Receives a map of a topic and the japa properties.
Returns a channel that will be consumed and sent each individual message to kafka in a different thread.
sourceraw docstring


(worker! channel f)
(worker! channel f extra)

Execute a function f each time a message is received at the channel. Checks if a exception is passed in a channel, if it is f will not be applied and the exception will be logged. An optional list of extra arguments can be passed to worker! and will be passed to f as the second argument.

Execute a function f each time a message is received at the channel.
Checks if a exception is passed in a channel, if it is f will not be applied and the exception will be logged.
An optional list of extra arguments can be passed to `worker!` and will be passed to `f` as the second argument.
sourceraw docstring


(worker-batch! channel n f)
(worker-batch! channel n f extra)

Execute a function f for every n messages received at the channel. Checks if a exception is passed in a channel, if it is f will not be applied and the exception will be logged. An optional extra argument can be passed to worker-batch! and will be passed to f as the second argument.

Execute a function `f` for every `n` messages received at the channel.
Checks if a exception is passed in a channel, if it is f will not be applied and the exception will be logged.
An optional extra argument can be passed to `worker-batch!` and will be passed to `f` as the second argument.
sourceraw docstring

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