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Represents a redis connection spec, so we can use it when using Carmine, unlike the regular wcar* macro, recommended in Carmine docs.

Represents a redis connection spec,
so we can use it when using Carmine, unlike the
regular `wcar*` macro, recommended in Carmine docs.
raw docstring


(create {:keys [host port]})


(execute* conn cmd+args)

Executes a single Redis command as vector of command and arguments.: (execute* conn [:ping]) (execute* conn [:set "foo" "bar"])

Executes a single Redis command as vector of command and arguments.:
(execute* conn [:ping])
(execute* conn [:set "foo" "bar"])
sourceraw docstring


(execute-pipeline* conn cmds+args)

Executes a pipeline of Redis commands as a sequence of vectors of commands and arguments:

(execute-pipeline* conn [[:ping] [:set "foo" "bar"] [:get "foo"] [:del "foo"]])

Executes a pipeline of Redis commands as a sequence of vectors of commands and arguments:

(execute-pipeline* conn [[:ping]
                         [:set "foo" "bar"]
                         [:get "foo"]
                         [:del "foo"]])
sourceraw docstring

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