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Represents a Redis client that can be used to execute commands.

Represents a Redis client that can be used to execute commands.
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(create {:keys [uri _client-name key-prefix ping-on-start? connection-pool]
         :or {ping-on-start? false}
         :as opts})

Creates a Redis connection component. Args:

  • :uri - the URI string of the Redis server, required

  • :connection-pool - optional, a map of connection pool settings or instance of JedisPoolConfig See create-pooled-connection for more details.

  • :key-prefix - optional, a prefix for all keys, usually a service name - can be a string or keyword

  • :ping-on-start? - optional, when true will send a PING command to the server on start to check if it's alive

Creates a Redis connection component.
- `:uri` - the URI string of the Redis server, required
- `:connection-pool` - optional, a map of connection pool settings or instance of `JedisPoolConfig`
   See `create-pooled-connection` for more details.

- `:key-prefix` - optional, a prefix for all keys, usually a service name - can be a string or keyword
- `:ping-on-start?` - optional, when true will send a PING command to the server on start to check if it's alive
sourceraw docstring


(create-pooled-connection {:keys [uri connection-pool]})

Creates pooled connection

  • :uri - the URI string of the Redis server, required
  • :connection-pool - optional, a map of connection pool settings or instance of JedisPoolConfig. Options:
    • :max-total - max total connections, defaults to 100
    • :max-idle - min total connections, defaults max-total / 2
    • :min-idle - min idle connections, defaults to 0 or max-total / 10
    • :max-wait-millis - max wait time for a connection, defaults to -1 (block until available)
Creates pooled connection
- `:uri` - the URI string of the Redis server, required
- `:connection-pool` - optional, a map of connection pool settings or instance of `JedisPoolConfig`. Options:
  - `:max-total` - max total connections, defaults to 100
  - `:max-idle` - min total connections, defaults `max-total / 2`
  - `:min-idle` - min idle connections, defaults to 0 or `max-total / 10`
  - `:max-wait-millis` - max wait time for a connection, defaults to -1 (block until available)
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