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A Clojure library with handful tools for helping the usage of datomic-free

Clojars Project


  • Add the dependency:
[org.clojars.majorcluster/datomic-helper "LAST RELEASE NUMBER"]



  • Leiningen (of course 😄)
  • GPG (mac => brew install gpg)
  • Clojars account
  • Enter clojars/tokens page in your account -> generate one and use for password
export GPG_TTY=$(tty) && lein deploy clojars


Migration guide



transform-out [result]transforms d/q query results by removing db/id from root and nested maps
(transform-out {:db/id 12 :name "Rosa"}) => {:name "Rosa"}
find-by-id [conn id-ks id & pull-opts]finds single result by id, pull-opts default is [*]
(find-by-id conn :product-id 1917) => {:product-id 1917}
(find-by-id conn :product-id 1917 [* {:product/category [*]]}) => {:product-id 1917, :product/category {:category/id 12}}
find-all [conn id-ks & pull-opts]finds all entries having a key, pull-opts default is [*]
(find-all conn :product-id) => [{:product-id 24},{:product-id 1917}]
(find-all conn :product-id [* {:product/category [*]]) => [{:product-id 24, :product/category {:category/id 15}},{:product-id 1917, :product/category {:category/id 12}}]
update! [conn id-ks id found-entity to-be-saved]updates entity by matching id-key and its value, intersecting found-entity with to-be-saved, therefore using :db/cas strategy, not updating if the value before is not the same anymore in db
(update! conn :product-id 1917 {:age 0} {:age 1917})
insert! [conn to-be-saved]inserts entity by using a simple datomic transact
(insert! conn {:product-id 8990})
upsert! [conn [id-ks id] to-be-saved]upserts entity, finding it by specified id or ks and executing either insert! or update!
(upsert! conn [:product-id 1917] {:done true})
insert-foreign! [conn parent-ks parent-id child-ks child]inserts foreign entity connected to a parent entity by using a simple datomic transact
(insert-foreign! conn :product/id 8990 :product/category {:category/name "t-shirts"} )
upsert-foreign! [conn [id-ks id] parent-ks parent-id child-ks to-be-saved]upserts foreign entity connected with a parent, finding it by specified id or ks and executing either insert-foreign! or update!
(upsert-foreign! conn :product/id 8990 :product/category {:category/name "t-shirts"})
delete! [conn id-ks id]deletes entity by matching id-ks and its value
(delete! conn :product-id 1917)


Common parametersDescription
configshaving all keys as optional:
{:indexed [:ks...] :components [:ks...] :historyless [:ks...]}
a key sent in the list of the configs will have
in :indexed = db/indexed true
in :components = db/isComponent true
in :historyless = db/noHistory true"
schema-to-datomic [definition configs]receives a prismatic/schema entity definition and converts it to datomic schema definition.
definition: see prismatic/schema documentation
configs: see configs at Common parameters
schemas-to-datomic [definitions configs]receives a vector of prismatic/schema entities definitions and converts them to datomic schema definitions.
definitions: see prismatic/schema documentation
configs: see configs at Common parameters

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