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A Leiningen plugin responsible for finding possible vulnerabilities. Totally inspired on borkdude's grasp.


Default rules

Custom Rules

You can define your own set of rules just by writting a edn like the following one.

{:name        :shell-injection
 :description "Detect usage of bash -c on invoke."
 :checks      [{:type                  :import-and-usage
                :ns-name               ""
                :function-name         "sh"
                :function-spec-builder (fn [namespaced-fn]
                                         (s/* (s/cat :before (s/* any?)
                                                :fn-name (fn [symbol] (= namespaced-fn symbol))
                                                :bash-args (fn [bash-arg]
                                                             (->> bash-arg
                                                               (re-matches (re-pattern "sh|bash"))
                                                :bash-c-arg (fn [bash-c-arg]
                                                              (= "-c" bash-c-arg))
                                                :args (s/* any?))))}]}

Which one of them needs to specify the rule name, a description and the steps to check if the code is vulnerable. There are two types of checks.

  • import-and-usage which lookup for the usage of a required function.
  • usage which lookup for the usage of non required function.

Both of them needs to define in the checks a namespace, function name and optionally a fn which returns a spec representing the function usage.

in order to use your custom rules just save then as an edn file on a directory and specify it on the plugin usage.


Use this for user-level plugins:

Put [inspector-gadget "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile.

Use this for project-level plugins:

Put [inspector-gadget "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

Execute it on your project directory. $ lein inspector-gadget

or with a custom directory for rules. $ lein inspector-gadget /tmp/rules/

Example result

({:filename "/home/user/dev/projects/test/src/shit/vulnerable-code.clj",
  ({:name :clojure-xml-xxe,
    "Detect usage of vulnerable XML parser on clojure.xml.",
    [{:type :import-and-usage,
      :ns-name "clojure.xml",
      :function-name "parse"}],
    ({:dependency {:alias "xml", :code [clojure.xml :as xml]},
      [{:line 16, :column 7, :code (xml/parse istream)}
       {:line 21,
        :column 1,
        :code (-> "/home/user/image.svg" slurp xml/parse)}],
      :type :import-and-usage})}
   {:name :read-string,
    :description "Detect usage of vulnerable read-string function.",
    [{:type :usage,
      :ns-name "clojure.core",
      :function-name "read-string"}],
    ({:dependency "clojure.core",
      [{:line 8, :column 3, :code (read-string "a")}
       {:line 9, :column 3, :code (-> b read-string (+ 1))}],
      :type :usage})}
   {:name :shell-injection,
    "Detect usage of bash -c on invoke.",
    [{:type :import-and-usage,
      :ns-name "",
      :function-name "sh",
            (s/* any?)
            (fn [symbol] (= namespaced-fn symbol))
              (->> bash-arg (re-matches (re-pattern "sh|bash")) nil? not))
            (fn [bash-c-arg] (= "-c" bash-c-arg))
            (s/* any?))))}],
      {:alias "shell", :code [ :as shell]},
      :findings [{:line 25, :column 8, :code (shell/sh "bash" "-c")}],
      :type :import-and-usage})})})

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