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Create a transducer that counts occurences of sharedStrings.xml references.

Create a transducer that counts occurences of sharedStrings.xml references.
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(decoder ref->str)

Create a transducer that replaces sharedStrings.xml references with strings.

Create a transducer that replaces sharedStrings.xml references with strings.
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Create a transducer that replaces strings with sharedStrings.xml references.

Create a transducer that replaces strings with sharedStrings.xml references.
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(generate-shared-strings-xml shared-strings-xml str->ref cnt)

Generate xl/sharedStrings.xml based on mapping created by encoder and number of strings occuring in the generated sheets.

Generate xl/sharedStrings.xml based on mapping created by encoder and
number of strings occuring in the generated sheets.
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(parse-shared-strings-xml shared-strings-xml)

Parse xl/sharedStrings.xml and create ref->str map.

Parse xl/sharedStrings.xml and create ref->str map.
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