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  {:keys [type reason reason-fn]
   :or {type :unauthenticated
        reason "You are not allowed to access this resource"}})


(guard &
       {:keys [roles unauthenticated-fn unauthorized-fn silent?]
        :or {silent? true}})

An interceptor that allows only authenticated users that have any of :roles to access unterlying pages.

Accepts optional parameters: :roles - a set of roles that are allowed to access the page, if not defined users are required to be just authenticated :silent? - if set to true (default), users will be getting 404 Not Found error page, when they don't have enougth access rights :unauthenticated-fn - a handler of unauthenticated error state :unauthorized-fn - a handler of unauthorized error state

An interceptor that allows only authenticated users that have any of :roles to access unterlying pages.

Accepts optional parameters:
:roles              - a set of roles that are allowed to access the page, if not defined users are required to be just authenticated
:silent?            - if set to `true` (default), users will be getting 404 Not Found error page, when they don't have enougth access rights
:unauthenticated-fn - a handler of unauthenticated error state
:unauthorized-fn    - a handler of unauthorized error state
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(http-basic realm credential-fn)

An interceptor that provides HTTP Basic authentication for your application and handles authentication/authorization errors.

An interceptor that provides HTTP Basic authentication for your application
and handles authentication/authorization errors.
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(interactive config)

An interceptor that provides interactive authentication flow for handling authentication/authorization errors in your application.

An interceptor that provides interactive authentication flow for
handling authentication/authorization errors in your application.
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(token credential-fn & {:as options})

An interceptor that provides token-based authentication. credential-fn - a function that given a request context and an authentication token returns the identity associated with it

Accepts optional parameters: :token-fn - a function that given a request context returns the token associated with it :error-fn - a function to handle authentication/authorization errors

An interceptor that provides token-based authentication.
   credential-fn - a function that given a request context and an authentication token returns the identity associated with it

Accepts optional parameters:
   :token-fn      - a function that given a request context returns the token associated with it
   :error-fn      - a function to handle authentication/authorization errors
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