#Kushi shorthand reference
Shorthand grammer is available for the following css props:
:ai ; :align-items
:b ; :border
:bb ; :border-bottom
:bc ; :border-color
:bg ; :background
:bgc ; :background-color
:bgi ; :background-image
:bgp ; :background-position
:bgr ; :background-repeat
:bgs ; :background-size
:bl ; :border-left
:br ; :border-right
:bs ; :border-style
:bt ; :border-top
:bw ; :border-width
:c ; :color
:d ; :display
:ff ; :font-family
:fs ; :font-size
:fv ; :font-variant
:fw ; :font-weight
:g ; :grid
:ga ; :grid-area
:gac ; :grid-auto-columns
:gaf ; :grid-auto-flow
:gar ; :grid-auto-rows
:gc ; :grid-column
:gce ; :grid-column-end
:gcs ; :grid-column-start
:gr ; :grid-row
:gre ; :grid-row-end
:grs ; :grid-row-start
:gt ; :grid-template
:gta ; :grid-template-areas
:gtc ; :grid-template-columns
:gtr ; :grid-template-rows
:h ; :height
:jc ; :justify-content
:ji ; :justify-items
:lh ; :line-height
:m ; :margin
:mb ; :margin-bottom
:mbe ; :margin-block-end
:mbs ; :margin-block-start
:mi ; :margin-inline
:mie ; :margin-inline-end
:mis ; :margin-inline-start
:ml ; :margin-left
:mr ; :margin-right
:mt ; :margin-top
:o ; :opacity
:p ; :padding
:pb ; :padding-bottom
:pl ; :padding-left
:pr ; :padding-right
:pt ; :padding-top
:ta ; :text-align
:td ; :text-decoration
:tdc ; :text-decoration-color
:tdl ; :text-decoration-line
:tds ; :text-decoration-style
:tdt ; :text-decoration-thickness
:tt ; :text-transform
:tuo ; :text-underline-offset
:tup ; :text-underline-position
:v ; :visibility
:va ; :vertical-align
:w ; :width
:ws ; :white-space
:z ; :z-index
:zi ; :z-index
Shorthand grammer is available for the following enumerated property values:
:ai--b ; align-items: baseline
:ai--c ; align-items: center
:ai--e ; align-items: end
:ai--fe ; align-items: flex-end
:ai--fs ; align-items: flex-start
:ai--n ; align-items: normal
:ai--s ; align-items: start
:bgp--b ; background-position: bottom
:bgp--c ; background-position: center
:bgp--l ; background-position: left
:bgp--r ; background-position: right
:bgp--t ; background-position: top
:bgr--nr ; background-repeat: no-repeat
:bgr--r ; background-repeat: round
:bgr--rx ; background-repeat: repeat-x
:bgr--ry ; background-repeat: repeat-y
:bgr--s ; background-repeat: space
:bs--d ; border-style: dotted
:bs--g ; border-style: groove
:bs--h ; border-style: hidden
:bs--i ; border-style: inset
:bs--o ; border-style: outset
:bs--r ; border-style: ridge
:bs--s ; border-style: solid
:d--b ; display: block
:d--c ; display: contents
:d--f ; display: flex
:d--g ; display: grid
:d--i ; display: inline
:d--ib ; display: inline-block
:d--if ; display: inline-flex
:d--ig ; display: inline-grid
:d--it ; display: inline-table
:d--li ; display: list-item
:d--t ; display: table
:d--tc ; display: table-cell
:d--tcg ; display: table-column-group
:d--tfg ; display: table-footer-group
:d--thg ; display: table-header-group
:d--tr ; display: table-row
:d--trg ; display: table-row-group
:jc--c ; justify-content: center
:jc--e ; justify-content: end
:jc--fe ; justify-content: flex-end
:jc--fs ; justify-content: flex-start
:jc--l ; justify-content: left
:jc--n ; justify-content: normal
:jc--r ; justify-content: right
:jc--s ; justify-content: start
:jc--sa ; justify-content: space-around
:jc--sb ; justify-content: space-between
:jc--se ; justify-content: space-evenly
:ji--a ; justify-items: auto
:ji--c ; justify-items: center
:ji--e ; justify-items: end
:ji--fe ; justify-items: flex-end
:ji--fs ; justify-items: flex-start
:ji--l ; justify-items: left
:ji--n ; justify-items: normal
:ji--r ; justify-items: right
:ji--s ; justify-items: start
:ji--se ; justify-items: self-end
:ji--ss ; justify-items: self-start
:ta--c ; text-align: center
:ta--e ; text-align: end
:ta--j ; text-align: justify
:ta--ja ; text-align: justify-all
:ta--l ; text-align: left
:ta--mp ; text-align: match-parent
:ta--r ; text-align: right
:ta--s ; text-align: start
:td--lt ; text-decoration: line-through
:td--o ; text-decoration: overline
:td--u ; text-decoration: underline
:tdl--lt ; text-decoration-line: line-through
:tdl--o ; text-decoration-line: overline
:tdl--u ; text-decoration-line: underline
:tds--s ; text-decoration-style: solid
:tds--w ; text-decoration-style: wavy
:tdt--ff ; text-decoration-thickness: from-font
:tt--c ; text-transform: captitalize
:tt--fw ; text-transform: full-width
:tt--l ; text-transform: lowercase
:tt--u ; text-transform: uppercase
:tup--ff ; text-underline-position: from-font
:tup--l ; text-underline-position: left
:tup--r ; text-underline-position: right
:tup--u ; text-underline-position: under
:v--c ; visibility: collapse
:v--h ; visibility: hidden
:v--v ; visibility: visibile
:va--b ; vertical-align: baseline
:va--m ; vertical-align: middle
:va--s ; vertical-align: sub
:va--t ; vertical-align: top
:va--tb ; vertical-align: text-bottom
:va--tt ; vertical-align: text-top
:ws--n ; white-space: nowrap
:ws--p ; white-space: pre
:ws--pl ; white-space: pre-line
:ws--pw ; white-space: pre-wrap