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an enhancement of using hickory to generate reagent style hiccup

  • ignore angular property
  • ignore html comments
  • should just put one html component each template file


Clojars Project


(:require-macros [reagent-hickory.templates :refer [deftemplate deftemplatefn]])
(:require [reagent-hickory.sweet :refer [html->hiccup]])
  • convert from html string
user=> (html->hiccup "<p class='someclass'><span>I have </span><strong>bold</strong><span style='color:red'> and red </span><span>text.</span></p>")
[:p {:class "someclass"} [:span {} "I have "] [:strong {} "bold"] [:span {:style {"color" "red"}} " and red "] [:span {} "text."]]
  • convert from html file

put you html file in src/templates/

user=> (deftemplate component "component.html") ;;#'component can put in any reagent capatible hiccup structure
user=> component
[:p {:class "someclass"} [:span {} "I have "] [:strong {} "bold"] [:span {:style {"color" "red"}} " and red "] [:span {} "text."]]
user=> (deftemplatefn componentfn "component.html")
user=> (componentfn)
[:p {:class "someclass"} [:span {} "I have "] [:strong {} "bold"] [:span {:style {"color" "red"}} " and red "] [:span {} "text."]]


Phantomjs 2.0.0 or above installed required

lein run-tests


Copyright © 2016 zjhmale

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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