A simple Javascript chat component. It looks like this:
curl https://github.com/philipperolet/cljs-chat/blob/main/resources/public/js/cljs-chat.js
curl https://github.com/philipperolet/cljs-chat/blob/main/resources/public/css/cljs-chat.css
<link href="PATH/TO/cljs-chat.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="PATH/TO/cljs-chat.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="cljs-chat" class="container-fluid"></div>
Since the project was written in clojurescript, you can use the component directly by adding a dependency. Therefore, no need to download/include the JS file manually.
However, the CSS file still needs to be downloaded and added to your site as explained above.
CLI/deps.edn dependency information:
org.clojars.philipperolet/cljs-chat {:mvn/version "0.5"}
[org.clojars.philipperolet/cljs-chat "0.5"]
If you use reagent, you can also render the component directly anywhere without the plain HTML div
(:require [mzero.web.chat :as c])
(defn my-app []
The convention is that the user clicking the "Send" button is "me", talking to a remote user "you".
You can:
mzero.web.chat.send_message("you", "Hello!");
mzero.web.chat.send_message("me", "Hi, what's up?", callback_fn);
mzero.web.chat.set_messages([{"user": "me", "text":"yo"}, {"user": "you", "text": "lo"}])
mzero.web.chat.send_button_callback = function () {alert("hey!");};
mzero.web.chat.placeholder_message = "Talk to the AI";
The component is written in ClojureScript, so no need to use JS interop and type conversions.
(:require [mzero.web.chat :as c])
(c/send-message "you" "Hello")
(c/send-message "me" "Hi, what'sup" callback-fn)
(:messages @c/chat-data) ;; equivalent of get_messages
(set! c/send-button-callback #(js/alert "Hey"))
(set! c/placeholder_message "Talk to the AI")
(c/set-messages [{:user "me" :text "yo"} {:user "you" :text "lo"}])
Note that rather using "get-messages" that returns JS objects, we look directly at the chat data atom.
The CSS file is very short (< 90 lines) and straightforward. It can easily be changed as you see fit.
The main CSS elements are
This project is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse License
Copyright (c) 2022 Philippe Rolet
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