[org.clojars.philoskim/test-ns-hook "0.2.1"]
This plugin test-ns-hook
for Kaocha mimics the test-ns-hook
feature in clojure.test
To include this plugin for Kaocha in your project, simply add the following to your
[org.clojars.philoskim/test-ns-hook "0.2.1"]
;; project.clj for lein (defproject my-project "0.1.0" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"] [lambdaisland/kaocha "1.87.1366"] [org.clojars.philoskim/test-ns-hook "0.2.1"]] :aliases {"unit-test" ["run" "-m" "kaocha.runner" ":unit"]})
;; tests.edn for Kaocha {:kaocha/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/clojure.test, :kaocha.testable/id :unit, :kaocha/ns-patterns ["-test$"], :kaocha/source-paths ["src"], :kaocha/test-paths ["test"], :kaocha.filter/skip-meta [:kaocha/skip]}] :kaocha/fail-fast? false, :kaocha/color? true, :kaocha/cli-options {:config-file "tests.edn", :print-config true}, :kaocha.plugin.randomize/randomize? false, :kaocha/plugins [:kaocha.plugin/filter :philoskim.kaocha.plugin/test-ns-hook], :kaocha.plugin.capture-output/capture-output? false, :kaocha/reporter [kaocha.report/dots]}
;; test/my-test (ns my-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all])) (deftest test-a (testing "test-a" (is (= 1 1)) (is (= (+ 2 2) 5)) )) (deftest test-b (testing "test-b" (is (= 10 10)) (is (= 20 20)))) (defn test-ns-hook [] (test-a) (test-b))
$ lein unit-test [(.F..)] FAIL in my-test/test-ns-str (my_test.clj:15) test-a Expected: 4 Actual: -4 +5 1 tests, 4 assertions, 1 failures.
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