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The graph index API.

The graph index API.
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(count-pattern graph [s p o :as pattern])

Convenience function to extract elements out of a pattern to count the resolution

Convenience function to extract elements out of a pattern to count the resolution
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(count-triple this subj pred obj)

Resolves patterns from the graph, and returns the size of the resolution

Resolves patterns from the graph, and returns the size of the resolution


(graph-add this subj pred obj)

Adds triples to the graph

Adds triples to the graph


(graph-delete this subj pred obj)

Removes triples from the graph

Removes triples from the graph


(graph-diff this other)

Returns all subjects that have changed in this graph, compared to other

Returns all subjects that have changed in this graph, compared to other


(new-graph this)

Creates an empty graph of the same type

Creates an empty graph of the same type


(resolve-triple this subj pred obj)

Resolves patterns from the graph, and returns unbound columns only

Resolves patterns from the graph, and returns unbound columns only



(resolve-pattern graph [s p o :as pattern])

Convenience function to extract elements out of a pattern to query for it

Convenience function to extract elements out of a pattern to query for it
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