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Implements query operations based on data accessible through the Graph protocol.

Implements query operations based on data accessible through the Graph protocol.
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Map of aggregate symbols to functions that accept a seq of data to be aggregated

Map of aggregate symbols to functions that accept a seq of data to be aggregated
sourceraw docstring


(aggregate-over selection partial-results)

Inputs: [selection :- [s/Any] partial-results :- [Results]] Returns: Results

For each seq of results, aggregates individually, and then together

Inputs: [selection :- [s/Any] partial-results :- [Results]]
Returns: Results

For each seq of results, aggregates individually, and then together
sourceraw docstring


(aggregate-query find
                 {:keys [query-plan] :as options})




(binding-join graph part [[op & args :as expr] bnd-var])

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [[op & args :as expr] bnd-var] :- EvalPattern]

Uses row bindings as arguments for an expression that uses the names in that binding. Binds a new var to the result of the expression and adds it to the complete results.

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [[op & args :as expr] bnd-var] :- EvalPattern]

Uses row bindings as arguments for an expression that uses the names in that binding.
 Binds a new var to the result of the expression and adds it to the complete results.
sourceraw docstring


(conforms? t d)


(conjunction graph part [_ & patterns])

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & patterns]]

Iterates over the arguments to perform a left-join on each

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & patterns]]

Iterates over the arguments to perform a left-join on each
sourceraw docstring


(context-execute-query graph context [op & args :as where])

Inputs: [graph context :- Results [op & args :as where] :- Pattern]

For each line in a context, execute a query specified by the where clause

Inputs: [graph context :- Results [op & args :as where] :- Pattern]

For each line in a context, execute a query specified by the where clause
sourceraw docstring


(create-binding nm values)

Inputs: [nm :- InSpec values] Returns: Bindings

Creates a bindings between a name and a set of values. If the name is singular, then that name is bound to the singular element found in values. If the name is a seq, then each name in the seq is bound to the corresponding offset in each value.

Inputs: [nm :- InSpec values]
Returns: Bindings

Creates a bindings between a name and a set of values.
 If the name is singular, then that name is bound to the singular element found in values.
 If the name is a seq, then each name in the seq is bound to the corresponding offset in each value.
sourceraw docstring


(create-bindings in values)

Inputs: [in :- [InSpec] values] Returns: [(s/one (s/maybe Bindings) "The bindings for other params") (s/one (s/maybe s/Any) "The default graph")]

Converts user provided data for a query into bindings

Inputs: [in :- [InSpec] values]
Returns: [(s/one (s/maybe Bindings) "The bindings for other params") (s/one (s/maybe s/Any) "The default graph")]

Converts user provided data for a query into bindings
sourceraw docstring


(disjunction graph part [_ & patterns])

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & patterns]]

Implements an OR operation by repeating a join across each arm of the operation, and concatenating the results

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & patterns]]

Implements an OR operation by repeating a join across each arm of the operation,
 and concatenating the results
sourceraw docstring




(execute-query selection
               {:keys [query-plan] :as options})

Inputs: [selection constraints bindings graph project-fn {:keys [query-plan], :as options}]

Inputs: [selection constraints bindings graph project-fn {:keys [query-plan], :as options}]
sourceraw docstring


(expand-shortened-pattern-constraints {:keys [where] :as query})

Inputs: [{:keys [where], :as query}]

In the :where sequence of query expand EPV patterns of the form [E] and [E P] to [E ?P ?V] and [E ?P ?V] respectively where ?P and ?V are fresh variables.

Inputs: [{:keys [where], :as query}]

In the :where sequence of query expand EPV patterns of the form [E]
and [E P] to [E ?P ?V] and [E ?P ?V] respectively where ?P and ?V
are fresh variables.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-join graph part [[op & args :as fltr]])

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [[op & args :as fltr]] :- FilterPattern]

Uses row bindings in a partial result as arguments to a function whose parameters are defined by those names. Those rows whose bindings return true/truthy are kept and the remainder are removed.

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [[op & args :as fltr]] :- FilterPattern]

Uses row bindings in a partial result as arguments to a function whose parameters are defined by those names.
 Those rows whose bindings return true/truthy are kept and the remainder are removed.
sourceraw docstring


(find-vars f)


(gate-fn graph constraints)

Inputs: [graph constraints :- [Pattern]]

Returns a function that allows data through it or not, based on the results of a series of NOT operations. If any operation returns results, then nothing may get through.

Inputs: [graph constraints :- [Pattern]]

Returns a function that allows data through it or not,
 based on the results of a series of NOT operations.
 If any operation returns results, then nothing may get through.
sourceraw docstring






(join-patterns graph patterns bindings {:keys [query-plan] :as options})

Inputs: [graph patterns :- [Pattern] bindings :- (s/maybe Bindings) {:keys [query-plan], :as options}] Returns: AuditableResults

Joins the resolutions for a series of patterns into a single result. If options contains :path-plan then returns the plan and does not execute

Inputs: [graph patterns :- [Pattern] bindings :- (s/maybe Bindings) {:keys [query-plan], :as options}]
Returns: AuditableResults

Joins the resolutions for a series of patterns into a single result.
 If options contains :path-plan then returns the plan and does not execute
sourceraw docstring


(left-join pattern results graph)

Joins a partial result (on the left) to a pattern (on the right). The pattern type will determine dispatch.

Joins a partial result (on the left) to a pattern (on the right).
The pattern type will determine dispatch.
sourceraw docstring


(minus graph part [_ & [fpattern :as patterns]])

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & [fpattern :as patterns]]]

Removes matches. For each line in the current results, performs a subquery with NOT clause. When the NOT clause returns data then that line in the results should be removed.

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & [fpattern :as patterns]]]

Removes matches.
 For each line in the current results, performs a subquery with NOT clause.
 When the NOT clause returns data then that line in the results should be removed.
sourceraw docstring


(missing varmap arg)

Inputs: [varmap :- {Var s/Num} arg :- s/Any] Returns: (s/maybe Var)

Returns a value when it is a var that does not appear in the varmap.

Inputs: [varmap :- {Var s/Num} arg :- s/Any]
Returns: (s/maybe Var)

Returns a value when it is a var that does not appear in the varmap.
sourceraw docstring


(modify-pattern existing mapping pattern)

Inputs: [existing :- [Value] mapping :- #:s{Num s/Num} pattern :- EPVPattern] Returns: [s/Any]

Creates a new EPVPattern from an existing one, based on existing bindings. Uses the mapping to copy from columns in 'existing' to overwrite variables in 'pattern'. The variable locations have already been found and are in the 'mapping' argument

Inputs: [existing :- [Value] mapping :- #:s{Num s/Num} pattern :- EPVPattern]
Returns: [s/Any]

Creates a new EPVPattern from an existing one, based on existing bindings.
 Uses the mapping to copy from columns in 'existing' to overwrite variables in 'pattern'.
 The variable locations have already been found and are in the 'mapping' argument
sourceraw docstring


(newl s & remaining)
(newl G__24927 & rest24928)

Inputs: [s :- (s/maybe s/Str) & remaining] Returns: s/Str

Inputs: [s :- (s/maybe s/Str) & remaining]
Returns: s/Str
sourceraw docstring




(op-error pattern)


(operand-vars o)




(optional graph part [_ & patterns :as operation])

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & patterns :as operation]]

Performs a left-outer-join, similarly to a conjunction

Inputs: [graph part :- Results [_ & patterns :as operation]]

Performs a left-outer-join, similarly to a conjunction
sourceraw docstring


(outer-product leftb rightb)

Inputs: [leftb :- Bindings rightb :- Bindings] Returns: Bindings

Creates an outer product between 2 sets of bindings

Inputs: [leftb :- Bindings rightb :- Bindings]
Returns: Bindings

Creates an outer product between 2 sets of bindings
sourceraw docstring


(parse x)

Inputs: [x]

Inputs: [x]
sourceraw docstring


(pattern-error pattern)


(pattern-left-join graph part pattern)

Inputs: [graph part :- Results pattern :- EPVPattern] Returns: Results

Takes a partial result, and does an inner join against the resolution of a pattern. Iterates over the partial result, using the bindings to update the pattern to search the index. Each row in the partial result is then repeated to match the rows returned from the index lookup. If no variables match, then the result will be an outer product of the partial result, and the rows returned from an index lookup of the unmodified pattern. The final result has metadata with the columns from the partial result, and all new vars from the pattern.

Inputs: [graph part :- Results pattern :- EPVPattern]
Returns: Results

Takes a partial result, and does an inner join against the resolution of a pattern.
 Iterates over the partial result, using the bindings to update the pattern to search the index.
 Each row in the partial result is then repeated to match the rows returned from the index lookup.
 If no variables match, then the result will be an outer product of the partial result, and
 the rows returned from an index lookup of the unmodified pattern.
 The final result has metadata with the columns from the partial result,
 and all new vars from the pattern.
sourceraw docstring


(plain-var v)


(plain-vars v)




(prebound-left-join part bindings)

Inputs: [part :- Results bindings :- Results] Returns: Results

Takes a bindings (Results) and joins on the current results. This is similar to the pattern-left-join but instead of taking a pattern to be applied to an indexed graph, it takes unindexed data that is already bound. The join is done by indexing the bindings and using the same algorithm that joins rows in pattern-left-join

Inputs: [part :- Results bindings :- Results]
Returns: Results

Takes a bindings (Results) and joins on the current results. This is similar to the
 pattern-left-join but instead of taking a pattern to be applied to an indexed graph,
 it takes unindexed data that is already bound. The join is done by indexing the bindings
 and using the same algorithm that joins rows in pattern-left-join
sourceraw docstring


(prepend element pattern)

Inputs: [element pattern :- Pattern]

Inputs: [element pattern :- Pattern]
sourceraw docstring


(query-entry query empty-graph inputs plan?)

Inputs: [query empty-graph inputs plan?]

Main entry point of user queries

Inputs: [query empty-graph inputs plan?]

Main entry point of user queries
sourceraw docstring




(query-map query)

Inputs: [query]

Parses a query into it's main components. Queries can be a sequence, a map, or an EDN string. These are based on Datomic-style queries. The return map contains: :find - The elements to be projected from a query. :all - true if duplicates are to be returned, false otherwise. Defaults to false. :in - A list of data sources. Optional. :with - list of variables for grouping. :where - A sequence of constraints for the query.

Inputs: [query]

Parses a query into it's main components.
 Queries can be a sequence, a map, or an EDN string. These are based on Datomic-style queries.
 The return map contains:
 :find - The elements to be projected from a query.
 :all - true if duplicates are to be returned, false otherwise. Defaults to false.
 :in - A list of data sources. Optional.
 :with - list of variables for grouping.
 :where - A sequence of constraints for the query.
sourceraw docstring


(query-validator {:keys [find in with where] :as query})

Inputs: [{:keys [find in with where], :as query} :- #:s{Keyword (s/cond-pre s/Bool [s/Any])}]

Inputs: [{:keys [find in with where], :as query} :- #:s{Keyword (s/cond-pre s/Bool [s/Any])}]
sourceraw docstring


(result-label e)

Inputs: [e] Returns: s/Symbol

Convert an element from a select/find clause into an appropriate label. Note that duplicate columns are not considered

Inputs: [e]
Returns: s/Symbol

Convert an element from a select/find clause into an appropriate label.
 Note that duplicate columns are not considered
sourceraw docstring


(rewrite-wildcards {:keys [where] :as query})

Inputs: [{:keys [where], :as query}]

In the :where sequence of query replace all occurrences of _ with unique variables.

Inputs: [{:keys [where], :as query}]

In the :where sequence of query replace all occurrences of _ with
unique variables.
sourceraw docstring


(run-simple-query graph [fpattern & patterns :as all-patterns])

Inputs: [graph [fpattern & patterns :as all-patterns] :- [PatternOrBindings]]

Inputs: [graph [fpattern & patterns :as all-patterns] :- [PatternOrBindings]]
sourceraw docstring


(select-planner {:keys [planner] :as options})

Inputs: [{:keys [planner], :as options}]

Selects a query planner function, based on user-selected options

Inputs: [{:keys [planner], :as options}]

Selects a query planner function, based on user-selected options
sourceraw docstring


(symb? s)

Inputs: [s]

Similar to symbol? but excludes the special ... form

Inputs: [s]

Similar to symbol? but excludes the special ... form
sourceraw docstring


(vars s)


(vconj c v)

Used to update a value to be a vector with the new element conj'ed. If the value starts as nil, then create a new vector to hold the element.

Used to update a value to be a vector with the new element conj'ed.
If the value starts as nil, then create a new vector to hold the element.
sourceraw docstring


(without e s)

Inputs: [e :- s/Any s :- [s/Any]] Returns: [s/Any]

Returns a sequence minus a specific element

Inputs: [e :- s/Any s :- [s/Any]]
Returns: [s/Any]

Returns a sequence minus a specific element
sourceraw docstring

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